Chapter 6: Fracture

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Author's note: Another chapter in the story of the Bradley Tigers. When we left off our lovable underdogs, we learn that Sherman believes there isn't much different between losing and winning, except how the world treats you, and Sherman meets a new friend, Josh Miller.

Monday at school, it was a rainy day, and at PE class and Recess, Sherman and his team took the oppertunity to work on tune ups that they planned on working on. Josh Miller was also there.

The 2 teams lined up, and Sherman was about to snap the ball, he then shouted, "CARDINAL, CARDINAL! HIKE!" The ball was snapped, and Sherman handed the ball off to Rallo, who flea flickers it back to Sherman and throws the ball to Gerald Johansen after Gerald ran a slant route.

"That's the Cardinal option. Make sure you shout it out loud, Kid Trunks, because that's what's going to fool those Knights, let's see what you got." Sherman then said, curiously.

"Yeah, make sure we hear you clear and loud!" Josh then said.

"Okay." Kid Trunks then took over the position of QB. He then shouted, "Ready?! Blue 80! Blue 80! CARDINAL, CARDINAL! HUT!" The ball was snapped, and he handed off the ball to Rallo, and he pitches back to Trunks, and then he then threw the ball to Phineas, who ran up the middle and went downfield. Phineas then caught it, much to Sherman's surprise.

"Wow, I didn't expect much from a rookie." Sherman then said.

Josh then excitedly walked over and said, "That was genius, that's why I'm here, Sherman, I got goosebumps!"

Sherman raised an eyebrow in confusion and said, "Um, okay..."

For much of the practice, Sherman and his team worked on running option plays and running play action plays as well.

That afternoon at the LMC, the class was looking for a book to work on. Sherman and Penny were talking to each other. Jenifer was sitting near Penny.

"You know that your team's playing at Alamo Stadium in San Antonio?" Penny then said.

"Wow, I did not know that. Have you decided to talk to your sister about supporting the Tigers?" Sherman asked, curiously.

"Forget it, Sherman, no matter what, she'll always hate this school. Even if I did get her to go to the Homecoming party after the Homecoming game, Jenifer is still going to prefer Milton over Bradley." Penny said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, why was Phineas at your class on the day before the 1st game of the season?"

"His class is allowed to visit some teammates of Phineas. Speaking of," Sherman then said.

Phineas then walked over to Sherman and asked, "Can you do Dipper a favor?"

"What's that?" Sherman asked.

"The mystery's shack is going under. And Grunkle Stan needs help paying the bills." Phineas then said.

"Well, maybe I could try to convince Mr. Peabody to help with a donation event. Half of the money that purchases tickets for the game this Saturday at Alamo Stadium could go to your Grunkle." Sherman said.

"You honestly think you can help Dipper and Mabel's Great Uncle? Why are you even trying to help him?" Jenifer asked in disgust.

"Because the Mystery Shack is important to Stanford." Penny then replied in anger.

"I bet that Mabel's "ever so" charming Grunkle is too selfish to even pay the bills at the Mystery Shack." Jenifer said in anger.

"How do you know?" Penny angrily said.

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