Chapter 9: Leave No One Behind

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Author's note: Now where were we?

Sunday, October 5, 1997

It was a cloudy morning in the City of Meadowbrook, and Penny's Parents were at Peabody's manor for a brunch, Patty and Paul were getting along with Peabody, like usual, however, Penny and Jenifer refused to speak to each other, and Sherman was refusing to have anything to do with it, still furious about what happened last night, however, there's still a part of Sherman that still loves Penny.

Speaking of which, Penny and Jenifer were sitting in 2 different chairs, angrily playing with their phones, while Sherman was at his table, doing homework, whereas Josh Miller, his new "friend" was with him.

"Hey, Sherman, can I talk to you for a second?" Penny's father asked.

Sherman then answered the door and asked, "What do you need?"

"Did Penny kiss Trunks?" Paul Peterson asked, with a stern look on his face.

"Yes. I saw it, but it was right after I was about to go back into the cafeteria at lunch, I also saw Jenifer walking away as well. And I don't know if I can talk to her!" Sherman then said.

"Well, you don't have a choice, it's bad enough that those 2 are in conflict. Jenifer's making the same mistake my father made, not wanting anything to do with his family because he wanted something else in life." Paul Peterson then said, while rubbing his eyes.

"I can't!" Sherman gritted his teeth.

"Why not?" Paul Peterson then said.

"Why not? More like "Why Should I"?! Everyone in town likes Kid Trunks "Top Gun" Briefs more than me. I won Penny's heart and lost it, and since he came along, the town has probably forgotten about me. Everyone used to recognize me, nowadays, I'm just a joke, everyone jumped the the scapegoat. Even Penny wants to spend more time with him." Sherman then said, sadly, he then said, "What's wrong with me?"

Paul Peterson then started to have a sympathized look on his face, Sherman has been through an awful lot lately.

"There's nothing wrong with you, Sherman. There's nothing wrong with you at all." He said. "Look, Sherman, you have to talk to them, because if you kick her out of your life you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life. Do you want that to happen?"

Sherman nodded no, he went back inside and then walked towards both twins.

"You know, Penny and Jenifer, a certain someone stated that if you don't like a person, it's because you don't like something about yourself." Sherman then said.

"What do you know about Sigmund Froyd?" Jenifer then said.

"More than you would know about." Sherman then said.

"Yeah, more than you'd think." Josh Miller then said, prompting the other 3 to glare at him in a "Not Helping" manner.

"Stop repeating everything Sherman is saying." Both Penny and Jenifer then said, simultaneously.

"Listen, I'm sorry but if you wanted to go with someone else as a friend, then you could've just said so, Penny." Sherman then said.

"Sherman, wait." Penny said, getting up from her chair.

"Penny, I'm not quitting the team, if I do, I'll hate myself for it. But if it means you have more faith in Trunks than you have in me, then I can't be more than one of your friends." Sherman said, sadly, and Penny had a shocked look on her face.

"What? Sherman, please, you can't." Penny then said, sadly.

"Penny, not right now. I'll see you in class on Monday Morning. If you don't mind, I have an interview to go to." Sherman then said, sadly leaving the room.

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