Chapter 12: May the Best Boy Win

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Author's note: New Uniforms, a homecoming game, a neighbor rival, and a dance, what could be better! And in this chapter, Charlie Brown finally gets his moment of stardom!

-2nd half of the game, 9:15PM, 3rd quarter-

Score: Tigers 14, Tomahawks 14

The Tigers were in their new Orange alternate uniforms, whereas the Tomahawks had red jerseys and black sweatpants.

The Tiger offense lined up in a I-formation and the Tomahawk defense lined up in a nickel formation and got ready for the play, Kid Trunks was looking around checking if there's any blitzing coming.

"Green Dallas! Green Dallas! Set, hut!" Kid Trunks yelled, the ball was snapped, and the linemen came off the ball, and he dropped him back to pass, and he threw the ball to Phineas, who broke a few tackles and he ran to the endzone for another Tiger touchdown, prompting the Tiger fans to cheer, and also causing Wallabe to be a little angry.

Tigers 21, Tomahawks 14


It was the Tomahawks turn on offense, the ball was snapped, and Wallabe went back to pass, stiff arming any d-lineman that comes his way, such as Dipper or Ed, he threw the ball downfield to Nigel Uno, who caught it for the score, much to the joy of the Tomahawk fans and the dismay of the Tiger fans.

"This game has turned into a classic shootout! A god dang duel in Meadowbrook on this gorgeous Friday night, a showdown of 2 stars, Kid Trunks "Top Gun" Briefs and Wallabe Beetles!"

Tigers 21, Tomahawks 22


The Tomahawks were on offense again, and Hoagie managed to score a Touchdown after a 58 yard drive.

Tigers 21, Tomahawks 30

Worse, the Tiger defense couldn't stop the Tomahawk offense scoring, but the defense managed to block the extra point.

Tigers 21, Tomahawks 36

Then, it was the Tigers turn on offense, and Rallo Tubbs got the handoff and managed to get a 56 yard rush for a touchdown!

Tigers 29, Tomahawks 36

On the sideline, the Kicking team was getting ready to kick the ball off, and Charlie Brown was getting nervous, and the Tigers were down by 7 points, and he has to do something about it.

"You gotta accept the fact that people have to be strong and take care of their selves. Even you. And to tell you the truth, against the overwhelming odds, if you end up accepting that, well, you're gonna gain confidence, Charlie Brown." Those words echoed in Charlie Brown's head, now Charlie Brown has a determined look on his face, determined to make a difference in this game.

The Kicking team went out and so did the Tomahawks return team. Charlie signaled the "Ready" signal and kicked the ball off, and the returning boy recieved the ball, and even with the good coverage, the returner had good field position and got the distance to score another touchdown.

"Oh, and it looks like this may be it for the Tigers...wait!"

Charlie Brown managed to catch up with the Returner, and then he tackled the returner and caused a fumble! Both crowds react in shock, and then Gerald recovered the football! He then gets tackled.

"Charlie Brown causes a fumble! Tiger football!" The Tiger crowd cheered in excitement!

The offense came back on the field, and the offense and defense got in a huddle on both sides of the ball.

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