Chapter 3

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I stood there for what seemed like forever. Once Ms. Brocades said Boy’s meet you new class mate. My mind started thinking of so many thinks I started getting really nervous and freaking out. My mind was telling me to ‘Go out there and making an impression’ and my feet said ‘STAY STILL!’.

When Mr. Chambers came over and waved he’s hand in front of my face. I just looked at him scared. When I made no move to the curtains, he picked me up and walked to the stage. He set me down beside Ms. Brocades and walked over to my mom looking out at the crowd. I just stood there, looking at all the boys, and they just stared back.

“Thank you Mr. Chambers for that entrance.” I looked at Ms. Brocades, she tried to smile at me but it was a sad excuse of a smile. “Boys your new class-” Before she could say mate, I cut her off.

“Can you not say mate?” I asked a little to loudly, cause all the boys just started laughing like crazy.

“Quite down! Well Emily what should I say?” She looked a little shocked, I guess from someone interrupting her.

“Anything but mate. That just sounds wrong.”

“Ok. Boys meet the new student. There that better?” She looked amused now.

“Much.” I said sarcastically

“Okay. With that being said will the boys in room 302 show Ms. Giles to her dorm room. She will be in the room on your dorms right. You all are dismissed.” I jumped down from the stage making sure my skirt didn’t go up, when five boys starting walking towards me. It looked like they were arguing about something.

“I told you, but nooo you just had to prove me wrong! We could of ditched this stupid assembly!” A boy with black hair was yelling at another boy who also had black but he had green eyes.

“And miss all the fun of showing our neighbor around?” The boy with green eyes was looking at me with a smirk on his face. When they were five feet away, a boy with dark brown hair ran up to me and got me in a bear hug. He started spinning me around and fell down, I landed on top of him and tried to get up but he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Hi I’m D.J. and that’s Devin, Derek, Ryan, and Nate. We’re your neighbors.” He sat up and he let me go only to put me in front of him. When he said everyone’s name he pointed them out. Devin and Derek where the ones arguing and Ryan and Nate talking bout something in hushed tones. D.J. stood up and pulled me up with him by the hand. That’s when I noticed they were a good five or six inches taller than me, about 6”1.

He started to walk away from the others and soon they were right behind us.

“You’re so slow! Get on my back.” D.J. said out of no where.

“What?!” I looked at him like he was crazy. But did as he said a few seconds later. They all started running when I realized these boys are The Braxton Boys. The boys that ruled the school. The boys that skateboarded and jump from the school’s roof. I just stayed quite until we reached a door with gold numbers letting people know that the rooms number is 303. Derek reached for the door knob and let us in. D.J. walked over to the king sized by and dropped me on the big comfy bed. I looked around the room and saw a desk with a laptop, a T.V. stand with a huge T.V. and above that was a huge shelve full of movies. In the corner there were boxes with all my stuff. Across from the desk was a couch and two feet away where two door. I got up and ran to them, I opened them and it was a freaking huge closet with my uniforms and gym clothes take not even taking up a third of the closet space. I turned around and there was a door a foot way from the desk and I assumed that it’s the bathroom and next to the bathroom was a huge dresser. On either side of the bed was a table. One had an alarm clock and a lamp and the other had a lamp. In the corner opposite of the boxes was a full body length mirror with a black painted frame. All the furniture was painted black and the doors were white, the walls where a light purple color. I turned to find all five of the boys sitting on the couch watching me ( the couch was so huge you could still fit two more people!). I walked over to the bed and sat down, looking at the boys the whole time.

“You’re the Braxton Boys. The ones from the internet.” I stated looking at D.J. and mainly talking to him.

“So you’ve heard about us. That’s good. Now we don’t need to tell you.” Devin was the one who talked.

“Oh don’t listen to him. It’s just his time of the month.” D.J. looked at me with a really big dorky smile. I just started laughing really hard when a pillow hit me. I looked at he couch and there was a pillow missing right beside Devin.

“Hey! That’s not nice.” I pouted and D.J. got up and wrapped his arms around me. Devin just looked at us like we where crazy. I spent hours talking with the guys. I found out that I have every class with them, even my free period. They told me what the Academy’s rules and explained how Ms. Brocades expects us to behave. They even told me about how they became famous on the internet. When they left I went to go take a shower and get ready for bed when there was a knock at my door. I got off the couch to answer it when it opened and in walked Devin.

“Sorry, but do you want to hang out with me and the guys tomorrow after school?” Devin walked to the couch and sat on the oppisite side from me and we sent all night talking about why I came here and how long he’s been here. He even asked me questions like what I wanted in guy. At 4 or 5 we fell asleep.

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