Chapter 19

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When I woke up this morning I didn't expect to have to help Courtney give birth to 2 amazing, beautiful little boys.

Jeremy was born 8 pounds 6 ounces and Tucker was 8 pounds 4 ounces. Tucker was born first and screamed his little lungs off. Jeremy on the other hand did not make any noise. They both have a full head of black hair. The only way you could tell them a part is Tucker has piercing blue eyes and Jeremy has green eyes.

What hurt me after they were born was Courtney didn't want to hold them. She told the nurses to give me the babies. I didn't say anything, I just accepted her choice. She watched as I held them but didn't say or do anything. I sat down in the rocking chair in the corner and rocked Tucker while Jeremy was asleep.

Two days ago I brought Jeremy and Tucker home and by home I mean the academy. Before I did bring them, I packed all three of our things. I didn't bring the guys cause their things were here already. I brought all of it back here and put everything away before I brought the babies.

I laid Tucker in his crib and and looked as both boys laid there sleeping soundly. I wanted a few minutes before I decided to take a shower to make sure they were asleep. I went to my closet and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, bra, underwear, and a tank top.

I walked into the bathroom and was about to set my things down when I heard crying. I laid my things on the sink, walked back into my room, grabbed the two baby swings I have, and placed them in the bathroom next to the bathtub. I went and grabbed Tucker, placed him in the blue swing, and then put Jeremy in the green swing.

I sat in the bathtub while feeding the boys both a baby bottle. After they both finished, Tucker fell back asleep, and Jeremy stayed wide awake. I watched as he looked at his fist then stuck it into his mouth. I laughed as he giggled with his fist still stuck in his mouth slightly. I watched him until he fell asleep then continued with my bath.

Once I was done, I put both of the boys back in their cribs, and the swings back in the corner where they belonged.

I looked at the clocked and saw it was only 7 o'clock at night. I sighed heavily and rubbed my eye. I have no classes until four days from now. I should have no reason to go to bed early and get up early, then I looked to my right a giggled slightly. I was wrong, I have two reasons to.

When I woke up this morning, Jeremy was sucking on his fingers, and Tucker was still asleep. Last night I didn't have to get up but twice. I fed both boys and changed their diapers. I sang them back to sleep and fell asleep myself thinking about Devin.

Devin has been gone for three and a half weeks now. I haven't heard from him, was told to go to school without him or the guys, and to top it all off, I have to take care of two babies. Not that I was complaining about the last one but I was most definitely complaining about the first two.

I went to the headmistress and asked about it when I first came back. Her reaction surprised me. She blew it off like no big deal.

I asked my mom if she knew anything and she doesn't.

I asked guys that I knew hung out with the guys sometimes if they knew anything.

No one knows anything as far as I know.

The day before classes started, the headmistress told me I had a knew roommate. I was puzzled at first but then that about the situation. The headmistress wouldn't put me with a guy, would she?

"Miss, what do you mean?" I asked.

"You have a new roommate, who is going to stay with you." She stated, obvious that she was getting annoyed.

"No, I understand that. What I don't understand is why you would put me with a guy roommate." made sure to make myself clear.

"Oh well, it is obvious, isn't it?" She asked, her eyebrows knotting together.

I shook my head. "No, I don't."

"Your new roommate is gay." She smiled and left after a few seconds.

I have a new roommate who is gay.

I started dancing then stopped. I ran to the door, opened it, and ran after the headmistress.

"When is he coming?" I asked, rounding the corner, breathless.

"Two days from now." She said while her lips went into a thin line. When I didn't reply, she walked away.

I went back to my room but left the door open. Both the boys were with my mom, making the room quiet. Leaving the door open filled it.

Sometimes I was glad I go to an all boys academy. All the boys here are nosy, noisy, nice, and a few can be jerks.

I met a guy in the lunchroom and we hung out alot afterwards. He introduced me to his friends and founded out I had classes with all of them.

The guy I met is Trevor Perry. He is 19 and is a junior. Next is his best friend Jeff Stockle. Jeff is 19 also but is a senior. Jeff has a twin named Xavier. Xavier is a junior though. Then there is Justin Morand. Justin is 19 and a senior.

I sat down on my couch and started reading a book. After a few minutes I heard feet running down the wall and went to my door. I looked into the hallway and saw Xavier running towards me. I ran into my room before he could grab me. He stopped at my door and laughed.

"What?" I demanded.

"Your face." He said laughing.

I pouted and crossed my arms which only made him laugh more.

"What do you want, jerk?" I asked.

"Just come with me." He said shaking his head and walking away.

I followed him and watched as he walked into his and Jeff's room. I looked around and saw all of them where in there including Jeremy and Tucker.

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