Chapter 17

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Devin and I were going somewhere but he wouldn't tell me. We were sitting in his truck listening to a Cherokee Indian commercial. With my feet on the dashboard, my back against Devin's side, and Devin's arm across my chest, I started to play with his fingers.

Focused on his hand in mine, I spoke. "I'm Cherokee." I said randomly.

"So am I." He chuckled and used the hand I was playing with to touch the tip of my nose.

"I'm also German and Italian." I tilted my head back to see him.

"I'm full blood Cherokee." He kissed my forehead.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Where are we going?" I asked yawning.

"You'll see." He kissed the top of my head again. "Just sleep for a while. It's a couple more hours away."

I closed my eyes after glaring at him and fell asleep against his shoulder.

When I woke up it was getting dark and we were surround by trees. I looked at Devin and asked, "Where are we?"

"300 miles out of town."

I laughed and looked at him.

"What?" He asked looking at me.

"You didn't say it's a surprise." I leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I didn't, did I?" He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

"I sat and looked out the window and then to my hands sitting in my lap.

"How many towns did we go through Devin?"


I nodded and looked at signs as they went by. I saw one and turned to watch. When it got out of view, I looked and the back of the truck and saw what's in the back of Devin's truck.

"What's the air mattress and everything else for?" I turned back around and looked at him.

"I thought we could go camping and get away from everyone for a day or two." He looked at me and smiled.

"Really?" I asked and smiled back.

"Yeah. That is if you want to?"

"Yes I want to." I said and kissed his cheek.

20 minutes later and we ended up at a lake just after 8 o'clock. Devin parked the truck and got out. He started unpacking the truck and set up the tent and put out some chairs. He walked around and grabbed rocks and made a circle for a fire. We both walked around and found sticks for the fire. When we had enough sticks, Devin made a fire and we sat by the fire talking.

"Tell me again, why do you want to make Courtney think we aren't together anymore?" He asked while holding a marshmallow over the fire. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled.

"Because she doesn't want her babies to have a replacement mother. Which I think is stupid since she is gonna leave anyway." I smiled and pointed at the end of the stick he was holding. "Your marshmallow is gone." I said laughing.

He looked down and saw his marshmallow on the ground, burning. He chuckled and reached for another marshmallow, but before he could grab one, I grabbed the bag and held it tight against my stomach. Devin smiled and reached for it again. I laughed and put the bag behind my back. Devin put down his stick and stood up. I started to shake my head.

"No no no no no no. Don't Devin." I said laughing.

Devin shook his head and trapped me in the fold up chair. Devin leaned in and was an inch away from my face. "Give me the bag Emily."

I shook my head and held my breath.

"Emily," Devin breathed, causing me to shiver. "Give me the bag."

I slowly took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes. "Make me."

He shut his eyes and made a deep scratchy sound deep in his throat. "I wouldn't say that if I were you Em."

I leaned forward and I whispered in his ear. "Make me Devin."

He kept his eyes closed but leaned his forehead against mine. "I could hurt you."

My breathing started to pick up and I slowly tangled my fingers in his hair. "I trust you Devin."

Devin finally opened his eyes and looked at me. "I know you do but I don't trust myself."

He reached behind my bag and untangled my fingers from the bag of marshmallows and brought it to his cheek. I let my other hand go from his hair to his other cheek and kissed him. I felt Devin start to shake and pulled away from him. I look at him and realized his eyes changed color. He now had bright forest green eyes

that glowed.

I reached up and touched his cheek. "Your eyes changed."

Devin put his hand over mine, pulled to his lips, and kissed my palm. He stood up straight and pulled me up with him. I followed him to the tent and he turned and looked at me.

"Are you sure Emily?"

I looked him straight in the eye and nodded my head.

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