Chapter 6

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“Emily as much as I love you, please explain the five naked boys that came running in here.” I told my mom everything starting with homework and ending with the grand entrance the guys made. Mom just looked at me than looked behind me. I turned and the guys were standing there looking at me and my mom.

“Emily, We need to talk to you.” Devin said looking at me with amusement in his eyes. I followed him and walked into my mom’s office across from the bathroom. I walked to the window seat and D.J. and Derek sat on either side of me. “We were talking and think that you should become one of us. Become one of the Braxton Boys but be the first girl.”

“Are you serious? Me become one of you guys? Hmm okay.” I smiled and was instantly crushed by the guys. I started laughing weakly since I couldn’t breathe. “Um guys? Can’t breathe.”

“Sorry. Now come on. Our mommy is waiting for us.” D.J. said like a little child, making me laugh.

“I heard that children!” Mom yelled from the living room causing all of us laugh. “Come on! I’m hungry!”

“Okay!” I yelled and jumped on Nate’s back and he grabbed my arms and put them around his neck. He start running to the living room and jumped over the couch never dropping me. We left and started walking to the dining hall about fifteen minutes away from mom’s house. Nate never put me down until we got in line to get our food. All of us got chicken alfredo and everyone got Pepsi except me, I got apple juice. My mom walked to a table that no one was sitting at and we followed like little kids. We started talking about how I taught the physical science class and how no one made a single joke.

“I don’t get it. I try and teach them and the joke around but you teach them and they take you seriously.” My mom was looking at me confused and frowning.

“Maybe it’s cause she’s hot or cause guys just like her explaining the male body. I don’t know.” Derek was looking at the table blushing from his thought about the class.

“Derek, your blushing.” I said observing all the guys and saw they all were blushing. “In fact all of you are blushing.”

“Can’t help it. You’re pretty and smart.” Devin said smiling at me. I got up and kissed all of them on the cheek, making them blush even more.

“Aw, you all are so cute. I’m glad I came here, even if I’m the only girl here.” I said the last part quietly but they all heard me. The rest of dinned went by pretty quickly and we all walked mom back to her house and walked to the courtyard since it wasn’t going to get dark for an hour or so. I walked up to Devin nd touched his shoulder. “Tag your it!” I ran off in the oppisite direction and watched him tag Derek. Derek ran and tagged D.J. and D.J. ran around a tree trying to get Nate. Nate turned and the guys ran for me. I turned to run but was put in group hug and Nate tagged me. After an hour of tag we walked to my dorm room and watched movies all night. We fell asleep on my bed watching Beauty and the Beast. I woke up at three in the morning and looked at the guys. Devin was on my right side and D.J. was on my left. Derek was across our legs and Nate was laying on the pillows. Ryan was no where to be seen. I sat up and saw the bathroom door close with light coming from the bottom of the door. The door opened and Ryan smiled at me. “Hey.” He came and helped me get my legs out from under Derek.

“Hey. How long have you been up?”

“About an hour. It’s boring being the only one up.”

“Well I’m up now. I’m going to take a shower real quick.”

“At three in the morning?”

“Yeah. Once I’m up I can’t go back to sleep. Besides it’s Saturday, we have only one class and that’s at eight after dinner.”

“Yeah. Okay.”

I walked to the bathroom and took bout twenty minutes to take a shower. When I got out I heard laughing coming from the other room. I got dress nd went to go see who it was. I saw Ryan standing on the bed leaning over Nate with a pencil in his hand poking Nate in the nose.

“What are you doing?” I asked laughing quietly trying not to wake anyone.

“Nate talks in his sleep and he won’t shut up so I’m poking him with a pencil.” He looked at me and pointed to Devin. “He keeps talking about you. Something about you being gorgeous or something.”

“Really?” I asked while walking to Devin’s sleeping body.

“Yeah. He likes you a lot so I’m used to hearing him talk about you.” He said poking Nate in the eye with the pencil.

“What’s he say?” I stood over Devin and watched him smile in his sleep.

“Stuff like how pretty you are and how beautiful your smile is.”

“Ah.” I reached out my hand and touched Devin’s arm with my fingertips. I bent down and kissed him on his forehead causing him to frown his eyebrows. I took my fingertips and smoothed the wrinkles it caused and smiled to myself. I moved Devin’s hair out of his eyes and saw he had a tiny scare on his temple. Devin’s hair is always in his eyes and I’ve always wanted to move it out of his eyes. Any time he flipped it you could see his eyes for two seconds then it would fall back in his eyes. “Ryan, when’s Devin’s birthday?” I asked curiously.

“It’s next Saturday in matter of fact. Why?”

“Just curious.”

“You like him don’t you?”


“Tell him you like him. Any girl he sees in town always throw them selves at him but no one told him they like him. It would make him happy.” Ryan was looking at me with a small smile. I smiled and laughed as Nate sat up, scaring Ryan. Me and Nate started laughing causing everyone to wake up. Before Devin could see me standing by him I moved over to the end of the bed and jumped on D.J. since he didn’t wake up from the laughter.

“Hey!” D.J. grabbed my waist and looked at me and started tickling me. I started kicking and giggling like a little kid. Devin grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Don’t tickle her. I want to tickle her.” I looked at his face and saw him pouting and then he started smiling and tickling me. Pretty soon everyone started tickling me.

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