Chapter 21

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Okay you butt munchers, I'm updating this story because it is bugging me to death! I was going to read the story so I could remember what was going on buuuttttt that didn't happen. Feel free to remind me if you remember or are reading the story from the beginning... Please and thank you!!!


Devin and I sat down on the couch far from each other. He was looking down at Tucker and holding his hands as Tucker was sort of jumping on his lap. Jeremy rested his head on my shoulder as I rubbed his back with my left hand. After a few minutes Devin finally looked up at me.

"I miss you Emily." Was all he said to me.

"I miss you too Devin." I looked into his eyes and frowned. "Did you and the guys really rob that banked?" Instead of beating around the bush and trying to convince him to come back, I asked what was on my mind.

He shook his head as if he was answering me but he opened his mouth to only disappoint me. " We have a really good excuse for doing it." 

"And what is that excuse?" I asked a litlle upset with Devin.

"I can't tell you right now but I promise I will tell you when the time is right. I swear I will tell you." Devin looked down at Tucker then at Jeremy. "I wish I could stay." 

"Then stay here. Stay with me and the boys Devin." I begged Devin.

Deving just shook his head. "I can't. It would put you in risk of being in danger."

"What freaking danger? The only danger you could put us in is in danger of finding someone to replace you! You can't just show up whenever you want!" I yelled at Devin, upsetting Jeremy and Tucker causing them to cry.

Devin began rubbing Tucker's back as he held him to his chest. "You can't replace me. I'm their father Emily. You aren't even their actual mother. I can take them if I wanted to."

My mouth was opened in shock at Devin's words. It surprised me that he said those cruel words.

Just as tears began to fall down my cheeks, the door opened. D.J. walked into my room.

"Sorry to interrupt. Hey, what's wrong Em?" D.J. asked walking over to me.

I shook my head and frowned. "Nothing." I stood and looked down at Devin. "You screwed up Devin."  I walked over to Jeremy's crib and set him down to let him sleep. Devin stood and laid Tucker in his crib and grabbed my arm. He lead me into the hallway.

"I didn't screw up. I never screwed up. The only one who screwed up was you Emily. You screwed up by falling in love with me. Now you can't take your feelings back unless yo want to lose those two boys in there." Devin pointed a finger at the door we just walked out of. I followed his finger and tried to stop myself from crying. I failed though.

"You wouldn't take them from me, would you?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Yes I would." He answered without hesitating.

That was all he had to say for me to let my tears to fall rapidly. I turned without saying anything to Devin and walked over to my door. I turned the door knob and looked over to Devin. Devin just looked at me with no emotion on his face. The look he gave me was all I needed to know I'm done and he knew it.

I walked into my room and shut the door. I leaned against the door and slid down the door. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I can't believe it. Devin changed.

D.J. walked over to me and got on his knees to wrap his arms around me. "Do you want me to leave?" He asked while rubbing my back.

I looked up at him and sniffed the snot back up my noise. D.J. wrinkled his nose. "I'll take that as a no." He stood up and walked over to my desk. He grabbed the tissue box and handed it to me. I took it and blew my nose.

"I can't believe Devin. What in the hell has gotten into him?" I asked looking up at D.J.

He shook his head. "You're asking the wrong question."

"What do you mean?"

"You should be asking who got to him."  D.J. said as he walked over to my window and shut it.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling my heart jump into my throat.

"His been talking to his baby momma again."

"About what?" I asked fearing the worst.

"She wants her little family back." D.J. said comfirming my fear.


It has been two weeks since I've seen Devin. D.J. has stayed with me ever since. He kept me company and helped me with Jeremy and Tucker. 

At the moment D.J. was holding Jeremy while I was changing Tucker's diaper. "Can you get Jeremy dressed?" I asked.

I looked over at D.J. just in time to see him nodded his head. "What do you want him to wear for tonight?"

Tucker, Jeremy, D.J. and I were getting ready to have dinner with my mom. It was D.J.'s idea to have dinner with her and she agreed so see could see the boys even though they weren't actually her grandkids. 

That's the one good thing about my mom, well there are a lot of good things about her but yeah. She cares for anyone who joins the family. Tucker and JEremy may not actually be my children but I love them as if they were. 

"Are you going to tell your mom about Devin? D.J. asked as he pulled Tucker's arm though his sleeve.

"I'm not sure yet. Do you think I should?" I asked looking down at Jeremy, satisfied with his outfit.

"Are you talking to JEremy or me?" D.J. asked laughing.

"Whoever answers back."

"Well I don't know about Jeremy but I think you should." D.J. gave me appointed look.

I sighed, "Yeah, you're right." 

"I'm always right." Was all D.J. said before he walked out of my room with a giggling Tucker in his arms.

I rushed to get Jeremy dressed completely and ran after D.J., barely remembering to grab the diaper bag and shut the door. "D.J. wait up!" I shouted down the hallway, earning strange looks.


Soooo, yeah. There is the chapter I managed to write without including any information but from the last chapter I wrote two years ago... 

Hope you like it.

Hope you comment what you think. I might even include a comment goal.... Yeah I think I will. How about 20 comments for the next chapter???

Love ya!!!

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