Chapter 14

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Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock. The clock hanging above the white board kept ticking while I sat in misery waiting for time to pass. Sure, it was art, my favorite class, but it was also Friday. The last day of school for three weeks. For public schools, spring break is a week but for an all boy’s boarding school, spring break is three weeks. My mom and I were going with Devin and the guys to Devin’s parent’s house for his mom’s birthday after school. Last night we spent three hours packing enough things for three weeks. It took me an hour to pack and Devin 3 to pack. By the time, I finished drawing a chalk pastel picture of the fish tank sitting in front of the classroom, class ended. I rushed to put up my art supplies, grabbed my bag, and waited impatiently for Mrs. Rodriguez to dismiss the class. Finally, when she opened her mouth I jumped up from my seat and ran out the door. I took off running down the hall and jumped on Devin’s back when I saw him walk out of his class. Devin grabbed my legs and laughed.

“You really want to get away from her don’t you?” Devin asked walking down the hallway.

“I’ve been here for what seems like forever. Yes I want to get out of here.” I said laughing.

“So basically you want to get away from me.” He said a little sad.

“I’m leaving for three weeks with you. If I wanted to get away from you, I would stay here. Not spend three weeks with you, the guys, my mom, and your family.” I leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

“Mhm. Good point.” He smiled and took off running.

The guys ran to our rooms and stopped at the doors. D.J., Ryan, Nate, and Derek went to the room next to mine and Devin and I went to mine since he spent all last week and this week sleeping in my room. I went and laid on my bed and watched Devin finish packing.

When Devin was done, he came laid down beside me, and kissed my forehead. “Are you sure you want to spend three whole weeks with my family?” He asked smiling.

“I’m sure.” I nodded my head and smiled.

“Okay. Let’s get to the bus before it leaves without us.” He stood up and grabbed his bags.

I stood and grabbed the locks on my bed and locked the zippers together. “Ok. I’m ready.”

“What are the locks for?” He asked eyeing the locks.

“I’m not carrying these bags down 3 flights of stairs.”

“Then what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to push them down the stairs.” I said evilly.

After pushing my bags down all three flights of stairs, Devin and the guys load up the bags in a black Ford truck. I looked at Devin.

“There is no way everyone is going to fit in that truck.” I walk to over him, wrapped my arms around his waist, and looked at him.

He looked down at me, wrapped his arms around me, and smiled. “You’re right. That’s why the guys are getting in the back of the truck.”

When we arrived in Saxon, Tennessee, there was barely anyone in the airport.

“Everyone is probably at Mama’s house,” Devin explained. “And by everyone I mean all two hundred of them.”

Saxon, Tennessee has 269 people and is very small. Everyone who lives here was born here. 17 of these people are cops, 23 are firefighters, 24 are teachers, 15 are store clerks or managers, 30 own small businesses, and 160 are children or teenagers. Everybody knows everybody. No one has secrets and no one gets away with anything.

Mrs. Johnston cheated on her husband with Mr. Clifton who is married to Mrs. Clifton but she past away last year. Mr. Johnston is working for both Mr. Dillon and Mr. Littlefield, who are enemies. Beth Littlefield left her husband for Mr. Dillon who never married. 16 year old Courtney is pregnant with twins and is getting married this fall to James Clifton who is 19 years old. Logan Williams is dropping out of high school. Georgia Freeman is pregnant with her first baby boy. Ryan Turner is getting married next week to Tracy Dillon who was disowned by her family when she was 13. No one has a secret that no one knows. The only way to keep one is to tell no one or to nothing wrong. All this information I learned from Devin’s mother.

“Just call me Mama Kay. Everyone calls me that name.” She smiled and patted my shoulder.

“Yes ma’am.” I smiled back and shook from her touch. The woman was nice but she sure did have a strong touch.

“Mama Kay! Georgia is having a fit again!” An older woman yelled from the open screen door. Mama Kay ran inside and started mumbling to herself.

I sat by myself for a little while then Devin sat with me.

“Hey, why are you alone?” Devin asked confused.

“No one will talk to me?” I stated in a question.

“Well why don’t you come meet Courtney? She is upset and I bet it would make her happy to have a new friend.” He said standing up.

I stood and followed him to a girl sitting in a chair with a stomach the shape of a pumpkin. When we stopped in front of her, she smiled.

“Hi.” Courtney said in a cheerful voice.

“Hey Courtney, this is Emily. I figured you would like to meet her.” Devin said looking at the ground.

“Of course I would. Hello Emily.” Courtney took my hand and pulled me into a hug.

“Hello Courtney.” I said.

When the party ended, Devin and I went inside and he showed me where the guest bedroom was.

“This is where you will stay.” He said smiling. “I’m right next door if you need anything.”

“Thanks Devin.” I said smiling.

“Anytime.” He pulled me close and kissed me. He walked to his room and looked at me. “See you in the morning Emily.”

“Goodnight Devin.”

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