Chapter 18

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There are things some people wish they could take back and what just happened isn't one of them for me.

I never knew I would be so happy with someone or that I love them as much as I do with Devin. He means the world to me and I would go crazy if I lost him.

I laid there thinking about the night before and thought about what would I do if Devin left me. I looked up at the tent for at least an hour before I realised Devin was gone. He wasn't laying beside me, or outside that I knew of. I started to panic. I sat up and pulled Devin's shirt on and my shorts. I leaned over, unzipped the tent,and went outside. I walked out and looked around, spinning in circles. After ten minutes I saw Devin's truck was gone. I fell to the ground and felt abandoned. I laid my face in my hands and started to cry.

After an hour, I finally decided to call someone. It took two rings before she picked up.

" Hello?" I heard her voice and started crying again.

" I think he left me, Courtney."

" Who Emily?"

" Devin. He was here last night and now he's gone. I waited for an hour and he didn't show up."

" Emily, I'm so sorry. I'm coming to get you, ok?"

I nodded my head and realised I was on the phone. " Ok." I said and looked up at the sky then to the lake. " I'm at a lake. I don't know what its called though."

" Thats ok, Em. I'll be there soon."

" Ok."

Courtney hung up and I decided to pack everything up.

30 minutes went by before Courtney showed up and everything was packed. Courtney pulled up and I put everything in the trunk of her car. I went to the driver's side and pulled it open.

" Emily, what are you doing?"

" You're pregnant, Courtney. I'm not letting you drive back. Something could happen."

" Fine."

Courtney got out and went to the passenger side without complaining. I got in and waited until she put on her buckle then put the car in drive and started driving.

After about a week Devin was still gone. I waited by the door everyday waiting for him to walk in and he never did. I went to Courtney's doctor appointments with her and found out she would be giving birth in ten days on Thursday even though she isn't nine months yet. I decided to be there for her. Courtney and I decided to make an agreement that she would sign custody over to Devin and I but full custody to me until Devin comes back.

If anything could go wrong at the wrong time, I'd go crazy. Courtney has to stay in bed until she is ready to give birth, I haven't heard from Devin in a week and a half, and Devin's family are losing it. What kills me is they know where he is and won't tell me.

Two days before Courtney gives birth and a couple weeks after Devin left. I left like shit and didn't want to do anything. I gave up waiting by the door and stayed in my room. I smelt like a boys gym bag and had bags under my eyes from lack of sleep. My head pounded from having a headache everyday. My stomach hurt and I recently had to go to the eye doctor's and have to get glasses. Devin's family recently told me he was gonna come back in a couple of weeks and was told to go back to school without him and the guys. I agreed to go as long as I could bring Jeremy and Tucker, the twins which are due sometime in the next two days. Devin agreed.

I walked up stairs and put on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweater. I walked back down stairs and grabbed the keys to the car Devin's family bought me. I started the car and drove to Courtney's house to take her to her doctor's appointment.

When I got to her house she was waiting outside sitting in the porch steps.

" Good morning." Courtney smiled.

" Good morning." I mumbled under my breath.

The ride to the doctor's was quiet but not awkward. We didn't talk but we didn't have to. When we got to the doctor's office we had to wait ten minutes. Courtney got up and went to the bathroom. The doctor came out and she was just coming back out when she doubled over and cried out. I stood up and ran to her. She fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around he stomach. The doctor put her arm around Courtney and made her stand up.

" How long have you been having contractions?"

" Since 5 this morning." Courtney made a face and cried out in pain.

The doctor walked her to the back and told me stay in the waiting room. I stood up and walked back there anyway.

For those of you reading this, please read No Big Deal, my other book I started..... Please???

Also as a Christmas present, I'm going to up load several chapters throughout the day of Christmas or if you don't celebrate Christmas then its just a random gift :)

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