Chapter 13 part 2

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Ryan looked at everyone and shrugged.

I looked at him confused, “Why did you just shrug?” I asked, pointing a finger at him.

Ryan started to look panicked at Devin. “I-I-I-I didn’t shrug. What are you talking about?” He started to sweat and pop his knuckles.

“Bull. You now what I’m talking about. All of you know. Ever since I met you guys, you all always do little things like shrug your shoulders, shake you heads slightly, or something like blink once or twice really fast.” I shook my head and looked at Devin. “At first I thought all of you had a like twitching problem but then I noticed it happens all the time.” I started to pout and my eyes started to water, meaning I was about to start fake crying. “Please tell me Devin.”

Devin started to pop his knuckles and look at Nate. I took my hand and made him look at me. “Devin please tell me.” I said, my voice breaking and tears running down my cheeks.

“I don’t think he can tell you Emily. He would have to ask his father, then ask his older brother, then his mother, and then his uncle. His has to have an alpha’s permission and all this other complicated stuff.” Nate said behind me.

Devin looked at me, smiled, and wiped away a tear from my cheek. “It’s a communicating thing. It’s how we talk without talking really.” Devin kissed my forehead and looked at Nate, who was pissed off. “Sorry Nate.”

“Whatever.” Nate said getting off the couch, walking to my desk, and started to read a book.

“So you mean you guys are wolves?” D.J. asked trying to act confused but was failing horrible because he was smiling.

“How did you know?” Devin asked sarcastically and pulling me closer to his chest while I was still sitting on his lap.

“Well when I turned into something and realized I was a wolf, I was wondering if there was others who could do the same.” He informed everyone, trying not to laugh.

“You all are asses.” I said and got of my bed. I went to my dresser, grabbed a pair of shorts and a tank top, walked to the bathroom and changed. I walked back out, yawned, crawled into my bed, looked at Devin, and reached out my hands towards him. “Hold me Devin.”

Devin chuckled, got under my comforter, and wrapped his arms around me. “Anything for you babe.” He laid down and buried his head in my hair.

Ryan looked at us and stood up while taking a running start and jumped on top of us and laughed. “You remember we have to visit your family next week right?”

Devin’s face dropped. “Shit I forgot.” He looks at Ryan. “Wait, why next week?”

“It’s your mom’s birthday and us coming to visit is a surprise present.” Ryan got off of us and walked over to Nate and started to read over his shoulder.

We all just sat around while Nate and Ryan started to slap each other like girls. After about an hour, Ryan went and sat on the couch. His cheeks were red and his knuckles turning a purple color. He stretched his fingers and popped his knuckles, making it sound like they were breaking. Devin looked at him, got up and stood in front of Ryan, blocking my view of him, and broke his fingers? Devin walked away and went to the bathroom. I looked at Ryan and saw his fist covered in blood.

“Ryan, what did Devin do to your fist?” I asked staring at it.

“He broke it.” He looked at me and laughed. “When a body part turns purple, it has to be broken. When something brakes, it bleeds a lot.” He flinched.

Devin came back out of the bathroom with a towel and hands it to Ryan. “When it breaks it won’t be so easy to bruise it next time.” Devin lays back down beside me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I buried my head in Devin’s chest and yawned.

“Hey Emily? Do you want to come with us next week? Your mom can come too, if you want.” Devin asked.

“That would be nice.” I mumbled and fell asleep.

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