Chapter 8

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By the time it was to go to the only class we have on Saturday, We made five videos. After Devin kissed me in the second one he never left my side. He held my hand and he would kiss my cheek. I had art class and the guys had computers. Devin kept trying to get me to skip with them but I told him I liked art. The art teacher, Mrs. Rodriguez, was teaching the class to paint picture of the school. There where so many browns that all the guys in the class just made a brown school. I on the other hand made different colored bricks. When art class was over I walked to my mom’s class room since she was still there and the guys didn’t get out of class for another hour.

“Hey mom.” I walked in and she was standing at the blackboard writing Monday’s assignment on the board. “Why are you writing the class assignment on the board now?” I asked reading the assignment planning to start it tomorrow.

“So I don’t have to come here and do it tomorrow. Tomorrow the students are allowed to go to town. I was planning to do some shopping. What are you going to do tomorrow, besides start the assignment.” She kept writing the assignment and chuckled when I started writing the assignment down on a piece of paper.

“Shopping with you I guess. I don’t know what the guys are going to do.” I said looking at the clock above the door. “30 more minutes and I’ll find out what their doing tomorrow.”

“They’re still in class right now?”

“Yeah, they’re in computers. I was in art but got out early.”

“Ah. So are you and Devin together now?”

“I’m not sure. I hope so. Why?” I looked up at her to find her smiling at me.

“Just asking.”

“Okay. Well I guess I go to my dorm. Bye mom.” I walked over and kissed her cheek.

“Bye Emily.”

I started walking to my dorm room and realized I forgot my art bag in my art class. I turned around and started walking to the class, when I saw who was walking in front of me. It was the guys and they were talking about something.

“I think you should do it Devin. She might say yes.” Derek was looking at Devin and put his hand on Devin’s shoulder. “If you don’t ask Emily out now someone might beat you to it. Almost every guy here likes her.”

“I know, I just want to do it when the time is right. I mean what if I do it now and make a fool of myself if she says no.” Devin was looking down at the ground when they turned to go to a class room when I realized it was the art room.

“Where’s Emily?” D.J. asked looking around.

“She got out early.” Mrs. Rodriguez said.

“Oh okay.” They started to turn around when they saw me behind them.

“I forgot my bag.” I said pointing to the bag on Mrs. Rodriguez’s desk. I walked over and grabbed it. I turned back around and started walking to the door when Devin grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

“Can I ask you something Emily?” Devin looked down at the floor.

“Sure.” I said looking at him blush.

“Will you go out with me? Like be my girlfriend and go on dates with me.” He looked at me and smiled while blushing.

“Well I kind of already counted us as boyfriend and girlfriend when I heard you talking with the guys.” I admitted and smiled.

“Is that a yes?” Devin asked looking confused.

“Yes.” I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss him on the cheek.

“Can me and the guys come hang out with you in your room, Girlfriend?” He asked smiling.

“Yes Boyfriend.” I said looking at him smiling.

“Aww, you to are just so cute!” We turned and saw Mrs. Brocades walking towards us.

“Thanks?” Devin said but putting it like a question.

“Relax. I just came to say that You six make me proud. With the videos you post. The other school don’t know what hit them.” Mrs. Brocades said smiling evilly.

“Thanks.” We all said at the same time walking backwards.

We turned and ran towards my room and when we got there I jumped on my bed and fell face first in the pillows. I said like that for fifteen minutes, until the guys started beating me with pillows. I turned over and Derek and D.J. were the ones beating me with pillows. I looked behind then and saw Devin and Nate with pillows about to hit D.J. and Derek. I giggled and Devin hit Derek and Nate hit D.J., I jumped off the bed before Derek and D.J. landed with a thud. Ryan was sitting on the couch channel surfing like a mad man.

“Ryan pick something. Pick like a movie or a funny show.” I said jumping on the couch and Devin sat beside me.

In the end we ended up watching Sweet Home Alabama. Devin fell asleep against the back of the couch with me in his arms. Ryan was laying on the floor drawing something. Nate and Derek were asleep on my bed and D.J. was sitting at my desk reading a book. I started to get up and Devin wrapped his arms around my waist little tighter. I grabbed his arms and unwrapped them. I walked to my closet and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. When I came out Devin was still asleep, Ryan fell asleep and D.J. was still reading the same book. I walked over and put a blanket on Devin, Ryan, Nate, and Derek. I walked over to the T.V. and turned it off making the only light come from the lamp on my desk. I walked over to the desk and looked own at D.J. and his eyes fluttered shut.

“D.J. come on your about to fall asleep on the desk. It’s time to go to bed. Come on.” I put my arms under his arms and walked him to the bed.

“Night night Emily.” D.J. said before he fell asleep.

I walked to the lamp and turned it off and walked out to the hallway. I walked to the courtyard even though it was three in the morning and looked at the sky.

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