Chapter 12

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I was running through a forest full of trees and moss covered boulders. Something was running after me, something deadly. There was screaming all around me. Guns firing in the distance, dogs barking, trees catching on fire, trees falling, children and babies crying. Bodies laying lifeless, covered in bruises and blood. Stupid enough to stop and look behind me, I saw an enormous animal. It looked like a wolf the size of a human and was running towards me with it’s teeth bared and a growling noise coming from it’s muzzle. I started to back up until my back hit a tree and I couldn’t move anymore. It stopped a few feet away and looked at me. I heard loud cracking noises and looked around me to find the source but found no one.

I heard a throat clearing and looked forward and found a guy stand in front of me with no clothes on. My eyes widened and my cheeks felt hot.

There stood a naked guy who broke my heart.

There was a wolf standing in front of me.

Now there is a naked Devin standing there.

*end of nightmare/dream*

I woke up a little shaken and wasn’t sure if that was suppose to be a nightmare or a dream come true. Sure Devin may of hurt me but I still love him. I’m just afraid to tell him.

I looked at the guys laying on both sides of me and smiled. They all looked like little kids sleeping. Devin was sleeping on my right side and facing me. Derek was beside Devin and was sucking his thumb? Ryan was beside Derek and had his arm laying across Derek’s forehead. D.J was laying on my left and had one of his legs thrown on top of my legs. Nate was beside D.J. but his feet were on his pillow and his head was laying on D.J’s other leg.

I reached out with my hand and brushed it across Devin’s forehead and pushed his black hair to the side. Devin stirred but stayed asleep.

I smiled then stood up. I tried to move but since we fell asleep with the couch by our heads I had no choice but to sit back down. I sat there waiting for someone to wake up but at least twenty minutes passed, so I decided to wake up Devin.

“Devin wake up.” I put my hand on his shoulder and shook it.

“Hmm?” Devin mumbled into his pillow.

“Wake up.”

“What time is it?” He looked at me with one eye open.

“8.” I said looking at the clock on the wall.

“Then no.” Devin crossed his arms on his pillow and laid his head on his arms.

“Devin, please get up.” I whined.

“No.” He said into his pillow.

“Devin, please? I want to talk to you.” I said throwing his blanket back.

“It can wait.” He pulled his blanket back to where it was and looked at me.

“No it can’t” I stated.

“What do you want to talk about?” He questioned while frowning.

“About us.” I said and stood up and sat on the couch. “I want to talk about us.”

He sat up and looked at me. “What about us?”

“I want to…” I looked at my hands which where laying in my lap messing with the hem of my shorts. “I want to get back to together.” I looked at him and saw his eyes widen.

“Really?” He stood up and sat beside me. “You want to get back together?” He asked smiling.


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