Chapter 11

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Devin this, Devin that, Devin, Devin, Devin. That’s all I can think of. I pinch myself to see if I was dreaming when I got to my mom’s but instead I got a red spot on my arm now. Derek is in the kitchen making popcorn, Dj is going around the house looking for every pillow and blanket, Nate is trying to find every scary movie possible, and Ryan is making sure everyone is in their pajamas and has a teddy bear or something to cuddle with. The guys ( not including Devin) are trying to get me happy with this whole sleep over thing. They even said if it made me happy I could put make-up on them. After we watch scary movies, me and my mom are going to put make-up on them and put dresses on them. They planned on making me stay up until morning and we decided to have breakfast at 3 in the morning, lunch at 9 in the morning, dinner at 1 in the afternoon, and go to bed at 5. We were going to make a whole day be wacky. Their reasoning being Devin broke my heart on the day that means we’ve been dating for a month. Strange thing is I don’t know if we’re over or not. He ran off before I could ask.

I got up off the floor and went to the hallway closet, opened the door, sat down on the floor, and shut the door. I sat in the closet for at least five minutes before I heard the doorbell ring. When the guys and my mom left to go to the kitchen I saw Devin walk by the window toward the front door and I got up and that’s why I’m in the closet right now. I put my ear to the door and heard my mom answer the door.

“Devin. Why are you here?” Mom asked sounding pissed.

“I’m looking for Emily.” Devin answered all most immediately.

“I think you should speak to her for awhile.” Derek said angrily.

“She’s my girlfriend damn it and if I want to talk to her I will.” So we are dating still.

“Well good luck finding her.” Dj said, “She’s not in the living room any more.”

“What?” My mom asked shocked.

“Go look for your self. No Emily in the living room.” Dj and everyone else walked away from the front door and walked towards the living room I guess. A pair of feet stopped at the closet door and stood still. I heard something slide down the door and land on the floor with a thud.

“Emily come out of the closet.” Devin said in a dead voice.

“No. I’m mad, upset, pissed off, furious, livid, irate, and outraged at you.” I replied with my teeth clenched.

“You know all those words you just said mean the same thing right?” He asked amused with my chose of words.

“Yes I do and I’m pissed off.” I hit the door and it shook.

“Please come out.” Devin asked quietly.

“Why should I? You kissed your ex and you went out with both of us for like two weeks.” My voice started to shake and my vision started to blur.

“I know and I’m sorry ok? I just have this thing where I’m a guy on my period. Don’t ask me why or how because I don’t know if your ready for that yet.” Devin’s voice was serious, never broke or shook. Weird thing is I didn’t believe him.

“ Look we can hang out and talk but I won’t be your friend or date you until I know I can trust you again.” I said opening the door, causing Devin to fall to the ground. “And that’s for being a jerk.” I added giggling.

“Fair enough. Now is it okay if I hang out with you and the guys?” He said pouting.

“You sleep somewhere away from me though.” I walked off towards the kitchen and took the cookie jar away from Dj.

Last night I made Devin put on a dress and I put make up on him. My mom found a wig and put it on him. Ryan left to go get some heels from my room and Derek and Nate sat on Devin while Ryan put the heels on him. When Devin was dressed I took pictures and made him pose like a model. After Devin took a shower, we all watched movies. Derek decided it was a good idea to watch The Texas Chain-saw Massacre and I screamed my head off any time I thought the dude was looking at me. The guys thought it was so funny they hid in the bath tub and jumped out as soon as I turned the lights off after going pee. I threw so many things at them that I started to think I should join the baseball team.


So I ran out of ideas for this story and was hoping that one of you wonderful readers would help me...... please :'(  I'll love you forever......... If you have any ideas commet or how ever you feel to tell me...... pretty please help me!!!  

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