Chapter 9

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I was laying on a bench in the courtyard looking at the stars. The leaves on trees near by blew, some falling off and some floating in the breeze. A leaf landed on my forehead, making me go cross-eyed. I picked it up and twirled it between my fingers. I did it for a few more seconds then let it fall to the ground. I took out my phone and looked at the time, five in the morning and the stars started disappearing. I sat up and looked at the hills just behind the school, the sun was just peeking out from behind the hills and was a orange color. I sat there looking at the sun come up slowly when Devin walked out of the building where the dorms are. He was wearing clean jeans and a black v-necked shirt that showed his muscles. When saw me staring at him he smiled a crooked grin and sat by me on the bench.

“How long have you been out here?” Devin was looking at the sun the turned to smile at me.

“Since three. I came out here after putting D.J. to bed. How long have you been awake?”

“About an hour.” He looked at me from the corner of his eye and smiled.

“I like looking at the stars and watching the sun come up. Me and my dad stayed up watching the stars when I was five. We watched them until he died a year after.” I was looking at the grounded when I told him this. It took everything in me to not cry. In the end it failed and a tear fell down my cheek handing in my palm. “Ever since he died I stayed up every night sitting on my roof watching the stars. At first my neighbor thought I was trying to start trouble but after awhile she stopped calling my mom.” I looked at Devin and he looked upset and worried.

“You miss your dad, don’t you?” He reached his hand out and wiped the tears from my cheek.

“Of course I miss him. He was my best friend. If I woke up from a bad dream he would bring me a cookie and glass of milk. He’d sit by me until I fell asleep and when I was sick both my parents stayed with me. He taught me how to ride a bike and how to skate and by skate I mean skateboard. He also taught me how to swim. Up until three years ago I felt sad and alone. Sure my mom was there but she was scared to talk to me cause I cried when I talked about a problem. I felt like if I tried talking about things with people I would end up scaring them away and they would just ignore me.” I looked in his eyes to tell if he was going to run but he didn’t. “What are you thinking right now?”

“That you’re fragile and need someone to talk to. I may be your boyfriend but I can be your friend, hell I’ll be your best friend if it means you’re happy. If you want to talk and get something off your mind tell me and I’ll listen. Sure you may have been here for less then two weeks but I think I love you and everything about you. You’re not afraid to scream to the world, you treat everyone like they are worthy of respect even if they treat you like shit. I bet if someone came running and crying cause they were hurt you would be the first you to comfort them and help them.” He was making circles on my thigh making my skin to burn from his touch. “I will do anything to protect you. Even if it meant I’ll get hurt.”

I reached up and put my hand on his cheek. “I love you Devin. Sure we may have been dating since yesterday but I love you.” I reached up and kissed him. When our lips met it felt like fire was spreading through my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled my self closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me even closer. Even though we were sitting on a bench Devin was holding me so close it was like we were standing. After a minute or so he pulled away and my lips burned like fire and felt cold at the same time. Devin put his forehead on mine and smiled lazily. We sat like this for what felt like forever until the sun was fully up and breakfast was an hour away.

When breakfast was over I went to my room to take a shower and get ready to go to town with the guys and my mom. At breakfast mom asked the guys to come with us to go shopping from things from her house and my dorm room. When I got done getting dressed and straightening my hair, I walked to my mom’s house only to find her standing in the kitchen in a towel standing in front of the fridge.

“Last time I checked some people get dressed before the raid the fridge mom.” I spoke, walking to the couch. I turned on the T.V. and watched Bully Beat down. The bully was getting the shit beat out of him.

“Well sorry. Last time I checked I was the only one who live here.” She said walking in the living room with a strawberries in her hand. She sat down in the towel beside me.

I reached for a strawberry and looked at it. “I thought you were allergic to strawberries?” I looked at her confused.

“I am but I still eat them. I sneeze when I eat them. Not break out in hives.” She ate a strawberry and sneezed on the pillow on the other side on her.

“Mom go get dressed. The guys may come and find me since I told them I would come get them after a shower but the was an hour ago. They get very noisy when it comes to finding me.” I watched the UFC fighter kick the bully in the face and flinched when the bully was knocked out. She got up and walked to her room. Not fifteen minutes later the guys walked right through the door red faced and breathing hard.

“What happened to you guys?” I asked confused.

“Derek decided that he wanted to race here.” D.J. said breathing hard.

“I hate running. You guys know I do and I hate you guys for running anyway.” Nate said sitting on the chair on the left of the couch.

‘You didn’t have to run. You could of walked.” Devin sat down beside me and held my hand.

“And get left behind no thanks.” Nate said watching Bully Beat Down flinching any time the bully got hit.

“I love this show. It’s funny to watch the fighter beat the bully.” Derek sat down on the other side of me and laughed when the bully got hit.

After a while my mom came out wearing jeans and a white shirt. We all left to head over to the gym where everyone was to meet before we left to go to town. When everyone was here we loaded up on the buses and left for town.

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