#1 Revert Story

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Allah tests different people with different trials, because everyone has a different level of Patience, Tolerance and Faith.

#1 Revert Story

Assalamu Alaykum! Here is my revert story, I was born in Canada and our family grew up like any normal Canadians here, we weren't raised with much with religion in our household but both of our parents always believed in One God. We heard bits and pieces here and there of stories in the past but often it would be along the lines of the Christian / Orthodox versions. We would attend church with our Father during easter, christmas, weddings or funerals. Growing up was pretty rough on us. My Mom being a single mother of 4, was always busy working to support us since my parents divorced. I was the baby in the family and my older brother and sisters were always caught up with their friends as we got older. I pretty much was on my own with only the friends I had at school around me constantly. During Jr high I started to drink and blaze. My friends and I would party as often as we could being only the ages of 14 when we started out, life was all about having fun and being rebels. I had alot of different groups of friends all into their own lifestyles, and some who were into a lot of things which weren't so good or what the law would consider "legal". To date I've had many friends pass way, double digit numbers and myself along with many other my friends have probably attended more funerals then we have weddings. Within 5 years we probably had around 10 to 15 friends pass away. There were quite a few situations where my life was saved by Allah in one way or another... situations where I thought forsure I should've past away. Most of the time I grew up I didn't really believe in God or religion, I thought religion was brainwashed propaganda to control the masses. So although these miracles would occur.. I didn't know who to give credit too or what went on in the world of the unseen. I was always out with friends for years, Sometime's only coming home to eat and sleep, dropped of high school, I was very distant from my family, and completely lost.

They showed alot of concern but our relationship was hanging by a thread as I'd never heed any of their advice and just remain stubborn at living how I wanted too. Around the same time I felt distant from even my friends too. I knew they were leading me down a path I'd regret and already their influence caused so much harm, my heart got to a point where the only feeling it would have is pain, I didnt know how to be happy anymore nor did I see a way out. Towards the end of that phase in my life, there was one incident which caused me to have a punctured lung. I could feel myself clinging on to dear life in the ambulance and because of my condition, instead of taking me to the hospital which was just down the street from my house... they needed to take me to the main hospital in our city which was a good drive away. I thought for sure that was the end of my life. I was struggling so hard to breath and after thinking that was the end of my life, I looked out of the ambulance window and I could see the most beautiful sunset as we drove through the river valley on route, right after I passed out. Allah knows best what happened after but I can't even describe the feeling.. my soul left my body and I felt so intensely connected to every living thing, the energy vibrating was like nothing of this world and I could see my body in the ambulance driving as I hovered above, I was almost attached to it and remaining in movement above by body as the ambulance drove. Allah Azzawajal knows best what I experienced but after hovering something just compelled me to feel that it isn't my time, and I have to return to my body before its too late. It was almost as if Allah was talking to the angels and not me directly but of course that knowledge is only with Allah. After I felt that, my soul felt like it was pushed back towards my body and I went through the ambulance roof , as soon as I hit my body everything went black. I woke up 3 days later in the Intensive care ward at the hospital as my family and the doctors stared in amazement.

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