#11 Inspiration Story

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The Hijab does not hide your identity, it gives you one.

#11 Inspiration Story

"Hi Assalamualaikum.. I'm Shabrina from Jakarta I just wanna share my hijab story...


I decided to wear hijab ONE year ago & Alhamdulillah it's been an amazing journey.

*Probably the best YEAR of my life... ❤️

(If you trust Allah, everything will fall into place and work accordingly whats best for you...)

I've spent years trying too hard to be what's expected of me.. At some point, I finally realized that actually Allah is the only one who matters... And this dunya is just a station, not our final destination.. Dunya is temporary and akhira is forever...

Then exactly a year ago, I began to stop viewing myself through other people's eye....

I feel closer to Allah with each passing day. After a year of wearing hijab on my own accord, somehow, I feel proud and protected... I feel happy and safe...

This is the best thing that has happened to me and my only regret is that I didn't do it sooner... "

- #Shabrina_aulia


I pray Allah ﷻ gives us all the strength and ability to cover ourselves and observe the proper Hijab and give us understanding behind it.

Join me to say Ameen!

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