#24 Inspiration Story

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None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself [see Bukhari]

#24 Inspiration Story

As-salamu alaykum. Might be more of an observation than a story. It is said time and time again that Islam is a way of life rather than a religion.

I found that it's even more than that. Islam is a way of how you live your life with the people around you. Islam brings people together like nothing else can.

You would expect that leaving home and moving to a different state, where you don't know a single soul, would be difficult.

This was my situation about a year ago. It was a little harder than just moving to a new place for college. It was for a grad program, where that type of comradely shared amongst undergraduates was nonexistent.

Being forced to find a way to meet a few friends in a new city would be a daunting task for the common man.

The beauty of Islam is that you can go anywhere and find the same type of brotherhood that existed in your hometown.

A Muslim can walk into a foreign masjid and feel welcomed. In what other religion do people greet strangers and wish God's peace upon them? In what other religion do people even greet each other?

In Islam, there is never a reason to feel alone. Islam calls for unity, it promotes gatherings and congregations. No brother or sister is left behind, nor is there a reason to be."


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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