#6 Revert Story

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Broken things have no value, except a broken heart in front of Allah, how valuable is it. SubhanAllah

#6 Revert Story

I grew up in a non-religion household. I was raised by grandparents and although they were Christian I've never stepped foot inside of a church.

When I was in grade 9 (almost 6 years ago) I made friends with these two Muslim girls that went to the Islamic academy in my hometown.

I remember going to my one friends house and watching her mother pray and thinking it was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes on.

So I started researching Islam for years. I learned about the Prophet pbuh, the creator Allah swt and all the morals and values of Islam.

I started fasting during the month of Ramadan 3 years ago, but I didn't take my shahada until June 17th this year. (The day before Ramadan) alhamdulillah since I took my shahada I feel more at peace and happy than I ever was before. And I just started wearing the hijab two weeks ago !

Subhanallah ❤️❤️

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