#12 Revert Story

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The more you implement Islam in your life, the More beautiful it will become.

#12 Revert Story

"Salam my name is Joanna and I am an English revert from England.  I reverted over a year ago alhamdulilah and my story is rather strange. 

I suffered with bipolar since I was 13 and was going through life lost, not sure of who I was and had no purpose.  I always believed in God but didn't know anything about religion, I didn't agree with Islam regarding the little that I knew and didn't really live a religious life but would talk to God in my own way. 

After struggling with bipolar for so many years and trying to to take my own life on a number of occasions.  One day I was cleaning when I got this voice, gut feeling, urge I don't know what to call it but this feeling came over me from my right side that I want to be Muslim. 

Just out of the blue for no reason what so ever, no influence or talk of Islam around me at the time, no Muslims in my life just all of a sudden out of the blue I wanted to be Muslim. 

So I started to do some research in to Islam and the more I read and watched videos I fell in love with Islam.  After reverting i felt like I wasn't lost anymore.
 I felt like I found my purpose. 

Since then I never had a bipolar episode.  I never thought I would live a normal life, never believe I would have children, get married, hold a job and be normal.  MY family are against Islam so they don't know I have a double life but Allah makes it easy for me Alhamdulilah." - 

#joanna from #England

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