#13 Inspiration Story

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IT IS NOT The CLOTH OPPRESSES Her. But rather the illiterate mind that judges what is on her head than what is in her head.

#13 Inspiration Story

My name is Nishrat Islam and I had experienced Islamophobia without realising.

I have always been curious about the Niqab and always been wanting to feel how it would be while walking around in the Niqab. I realised the perfect time to wear the Niqab would be during the time I was taking photographs for my Photography course  as My Theme for the shoot was 'Islam'.

For the first time I had worn the Niqab I can't lie it was an amazing feeling! Something felt different and right to me you know I felt more content and in peace with myself, its an great feeling to the heart.

As I stepped out the house everything was going fine clicking photos etc.

however, as I walked into our town centre I noticed people were staring at me and these were not the nice buh intimidating.

I even heard people mutter under their mouths 'what she wearing' and 'why she wearing that' I mean even though my face is covered does not mean my ears are not. It made me feel weird because I attracted more attention and looks as if I have done something wrong.

Not to mention i stood behind a guy in a que and he looked back at me not once buh 3 times with a disgust look and moved his child forward each time. I mean come on, seriously? Whats even worse is I got followed.

As I walked up a street, 3 guys were following along side just staring at me and talking among then selves. Of course I ignored it and carried on however they suddenly just walked faster and right at the top of the road all 3 poked out their middle finger right at me, laughed and then ran off.

That was not pleasant at all. I did not realise I just had experienced Islamophobia.

Ladies whom wear the Niqab or even Hijab, I advise you do not ignore people swearing at you, throwing stuff at you or even just showing the 'finger' at you stand up for yourself and fight!

Islamophobia is serious and should be reported! Our voices should be heard because within a day I had already experienced Islamophobia, imagine what all the ladies whom wear the Niqab go through on a daily basis? I advise you strongly report this as it is a hate crime. You are not alone." -


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