#4 Revert Story

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All people go to Allah after their DEATH, A wise person goes to Allah before His Death.

#4 Revert Story

Salaam fellow servants of Allah,
Here is my revert story.

I was raised Roman Catholic, taught to kneel before statues and pray to deceased humans. Despite the beauty of the truth still remaining, my intellect despised the false dogma and I left at the coming of age.

Agnostic for a few years, I sought Truth in many places. Of special interest was Buddhism. But the core of Religion was not there. What was The Source? What was after death? I WANTED PROOF.

Like RasulAllah SAWS, I used to climb a mountain and meditate at the top at night. One night after deep breathing in a deep consciousness, I fully submitted myself to whatever Higher Power was Above. I raised my arms and asked for the Proof I required and The Guidance.⚡️

Soon after I decided to finally research Islam more. I downloaded The Call to Prayer and couldn't stop my tears. My heart was overflowing. I obtained a copy of The Quran. After the first page I was the most excited ever! By a third through I was 99.9% convinced it was Truth. No one man could put down all this wisdom.

I finished within a week, studied Islam in detail for months, learned all the Miracles of The Quran (scientific, mathematical, literary), and became firm in my belief it was from Allah. I publicly declared it to all my friends and family.

I found the only Muslim friend I knew and said Shahadah in front of him and his father at the gas station. I made good Muslim friends and started going to the masjid a few times a week.

I've been Muslim 10 years now, alhamdulillah. Islam is my Love and Light. ☀️ Allah is my Lord and Protector. Life has ups and downs, so does faith, but my utmost prayer is always to please Allah and die a Believer. Dawah has been my chosen profession. It pays me no material wealth... I'm a poor man, alhamdulillah.

But I'm really wealthy inshaAllah, with palaces built up in Jannah, and Allah's Pleasure, that should be all our goal.


Peace be upon all my Muslim brothers and sisters, and All Humanity. Let's be the best Ummah and take our place. Spread love and peace, learn and teach, create and implement solutions. That is the Answer. That is our Purpose.

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