#8 Revert Story

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Perhaps a sin that humbles you is better than a good deed that makes you arrogant.

#8 Revert Story

"Assalamu alaikum ☺️ When I was a junior in high school I took a World Religions class. After the class I realized there were two religions that had stuck with me, and they were Islam and Buddhism.

They stuck out to me because both religions emphasis how you should be an outstanding person (be kind to others, use the right speech, etc). Then I decided to go out and buy a Dhammapada. After reading this I decided Buddhism really wasn't for me. I have always felt like there was a God, and in Buddhism there is no belief in one.

A couple years later I went to college and kind of forgot about the idea of religion in general. I partied a lot, met lots of fun people. During this time I decided to experiment with psychedelics and alcohol (astaghfirullah).

I already had anxiety to begin with, but after multiple "bad trips" it became extremely crippling. I ended up dropping out of my classes half way through the second semester because of the anxiety.

Eventually I moved back to my home town, but I still wanted to learn more about Islam. So in 2014 I ended up buying myself a Quran in English and some other books on Islam. I also read a lot online about the religion. After learning more I fell in love with Islam in its entirety.

So on May 19th of this year I gave my shahada. Islam has helped me overcome much of my anxiety, and alhamdulillah my family has been extremely accepting. I couldn't be any happier, and I thank Allah (SWT) everyday for guiding me to Islam." -

#Muslimah living in #CapeCod

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