#3 Revert Story

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Its Never luck or faith; Its Allah's  perfect plan.

#3 Revert Story 

"Hola! Well, I made the best decision of my life&converted to Islam. It wasn't easy at all to tell my mom I was switching religions.she accepted Islam for me tho later on! She is still a strong Catholic, but it's the SUPPORT that had made me strong! from my Muslim bros&sisters too.

This is what made me strong & not feel stupid when I made a question, or when I mispronounced something wrong in Arabic.

Us reverts struggle in many different ways! but sometimes people forget to help us, & dats when we start to feel lost.

Support is HUGE for us. because for ex..My non Muslim friends don't really support & even make unnecessary comments.

I've known them for years! it's heartbreaking wen they start attacking me for what? Not being "Mexican" because I'm Muslim? & even some Muslims judge me because I might not do something right, or they'll start a rumor & add at the end ".. You know, she's Mex. What do you expect out of that."

It's VERY hard, but we go through this struggle because WE WANT TO for ALLAH! If you know ANY revert who you haven't talked to for the longest, message them rn & remind them that you are there for them if they need ANYTHING! Remind them that NO question is a stupid question.

Earn their trust! Let's prove Allah that He did good in sending us His beautiful message, & show our best to obey Him. And to my Muslim reverts, please don't be shy to ask.

Don't give up! You were brought to Islam because Allah wants to see YOU in Jannah. For those born Muslims, you are very blessed to born as a Muslim. Most of u got it easy! Now,instead of judging, let's stand together & pray for each other & for those who are in need of many many prayers. (-: 

(I don't fully wear hijab because my mom hasn't accepted it but I'm only wearing hijab in this post because ik  people will start saying stuff. iA we all (muslims sisters) wear hijab & get hijab accepted in our families so we can wear it comfortably)


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