#10 Revert Story

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The more you implement Islam in your life, the More beautiful it will become.

#10 Revert Story

"Asalaamu alaikum! My name is Victoria (also known as Saliha) and I'm an Italian American revert.

I grew up as a heavily practicing Roman Catholic and reverted in 2006, Alhamdulillah. :)

My husband is the best part of me. He is the other half of me in so many ways. I met him when I was at my worst, I had no other hopes in my life but my best friend who stood by me since I reverted.

My husband has guided me through all my tough obstacles while giving me his undivided support and love. Our marriage was a true coming together of opposing forces as, it was believed on his side (a Sylheti Bangladeshi family) that my culture is nothing like his and I would, "be just like the white girls they see all the time."

On my side, they thought the worst of Muslims from media reporting and that his culture would enslave me as a wife and, "ship me off to Bangladesh forever and force me to wear a burka."

As I have always said," Iman, dua'a, and Allah prevails always!" Through all of our dua'a and trials, it was a wonderful wedding and on both sides and the stereotypes that were there, are completely gone! With his strength and Iman, my strength and Iman, we have set out to prove them wrong and Alhamdulillah, it all worked out.

I pray that more families see that Islam gives peace to all, it gives guidance in areas of uncomfortableness, and it gives peace to a struggling heart."


#Saliha lives in America

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