#7 Inspiration Story

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Assalamualikum everyone today is Friday :-)

Have you sent blessings upon the Prophet (peace be upon him) today?

Did you know every salawat you send upon our Prophet on Friday is taken to him directly by the angels! smile emoticon How amazing.

So today on this blessed Friday take a time out from your hectic life and say Sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - say it a 100 times and please SHARE so others can benefit too!

I don't care what others say I wear my Hijab for the sake of Allah Subhanahu Ta'laa

#7 Inspiration Story

Hi. My name is Aisha and I go to San Diego State University.

On November 19th 2015 a Muslim woman was attacked on campus by a white male who shouted hate speech while pulling her hijab.

So the Muslim Student Association organized a protest. This was lead by Muslim sisters in the front while 600+ people followed in solidarity.

We had people of all races and colors join the protest as well as many faculty members. We chanted "when Muslim woman are under attack what do we do? Stand up fight back!"

Till we go to the student union where many people including the dean of students spoke.

Additionally we gave the university a list of demands that we wanted from them and allowed our voices to be heard. We will not stand for Islamophobia & no acts of terror will intimidate us!" -

#Muslimah living in #California

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