#14 Revert Story

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I want to wear Hijab because I want people to that I'm Muslim, even if they hate me, I don't care. I want to show them that Allah exists in any kind of person. -Jamie

#14 Revert Story

"I modeled for about five years, and during that time I did a lot of drugs. And I thought oh, I can do meth, and I won’t get addicted because I’m just using it as a weight loss helper. I thought I was strong enough to not get addicted to a drug that absolutely addicts basically everyone who uses it. I got really addicted to it, and I did it all day and all night for five years. And it really brought me to a place of complete rock bottom.

I was born and raised non-denominational charismatic born-again Christian, and I didn’t find answers for what I was looking for, for 31 years as a Christian, I never really felt God. I tried this as hard as I could. I really did and I never felt Him.

The whole thing that started leading me to Islam was that I got married to an Iranian man who was a very devout born-again charismatic non-denominational Christian, and he was mentally and emotionally abusive to me, not to mention that fact that he was poisoning me, just so that he could control me, to keep me at home not being able to leave the house just to know where I would be all the times.

So I left him, and that kind started me on a whole new journey to see what was really going on in the world."

"I researched Islam for a while before I chose to convert. Basically, I wanted to know why people hated Muslims so much because I saw what I saw in the news. I saw oppression and violence and I wanted to know what really existed, and if that was the way that Islam was. 

So I started researching it, and the more and more I researched,  the deeper I got into it, I saw the truth in it. I think the main thing that I liked about Islam was the respect for women.

There is a large amount of respect for women and the things we do as women. Our lives aren’t easy. We have a lot of things that we have to think and worry about; our families, our husbands, our children and we have to bear children.
That’s really a very hard thing to go through. It’s a difficult job.

And the fact that Islam respects women for that, and they separate us at mosques so that the men are not distracted by us because Islam understands the power that we have behind, I guess you could say, our sexuality. The way we look is really powerful to men, and they are affected by it. Islam respects that. Once I realized that, it grabbed hold of me, and that’s when I knew I wanted to become a Muslim.

Converting to Islam made me feel different. It made me feel absolutely peaceful. I felt unstable before. There was no goal in my mind. There was no reasoning for me being here. I didn’t know why I should be here, and converting to Islam gave me that peace and security and the balance that I needed in my life that made everything make sense to me; that made everything real. And it made everything worth being here for, because I finally have a purpose and I understand what it is."

#Jamie is a former Hollywood play boy model who converted to Islam.

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