#18 Inspiration Story

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If your aim is to touch the sky, first place your head in Sujood.

#18 Inspiration Story

"Today while praying after neglecting and rushing my prayers for awhile because of all the stress school is giving me I experienced this intense amount of peace within myself. 

I have been struggling a lot these few days to pray, pray on time and to not rush it.  When I dont pray I feel so alone and lost, all my problems become way bigger than they actually are in the first place, but as soon as I sit on my prayer mat again and shut myself from the world I feel like a big burden just goes off my shoulders.  All my problems just fade away like the clouds on a sunny day and I feel at ease and at peace. 

I will make dua for all my brothers and sisters in this Ummah to feel that peace. 
And I also want to say that don't neglect your salah and don't rush it.  We have been so occupied with this worldly life that we forget to work on our Akhira which is way more important.  We just pray for the sake of praying or we don't pray at all, and sadly we lost our real connection with Allah while finding Wi-Fi connection for social media.  We seem to forget that salah is nothing but a gift from Allah to our Ummah, it is the most beautiful way of returning to him after being lost.  Don't take it for granted and don't underestimate the power of your Salah.  I hope all of us become the Muslims we strive to be InshAllah."

- #faarakb

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