#5 Inspiration Story

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QOTD: The one who cares for an orphan & myself will be together in Paradise like this and he held together his two fingers together.

#5 Inspiration Story

This story shows us how seriously they took their brotherhood, and how willing they were to really put themselves in hardship to help their brothers. Sa'ad was willing to give up half of his wealth in order to help his brother. How many of us do this today? When we hear about a disaster that struck a Muslim nation, or we see Muslim refugees on TV living in tents and in very harsh conditions. How many of us send half of all of our wealth to help them? Indeed, Sa'ad is an example of generosity that we need to learn from.

At the same time, Abdul Rahman didn't take advantage of the generosity of his brother. He did not just become lazy and take the wealth and live happily ever after. He appreciated the generosity of his brother, yet he wanted to build his own wealth by his own hands. He had such an excellent work ethic that he could not just take the money without doing any work. Abdul Rahman was a good business man, and he was able to trade and support himself. So he preferred that route. Abdul Rahman was following the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh), who discouraged the Muslims from begging and taking money from others, unless one is desperate. This is because Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) wants the Muslims to be hardworking and productive, and laziness was one of the things he feared most for his nation.

So let us implement this concept of brotherhood in our lives. It is part of our religion, and it is part of our history. It is our identity that defines us as Muslims and as followers of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). Let us search for opportunities to help our fellow Muslim brothers.

When we hear that one of our brothers needs help or is facing a problem, let us really push ourselves and go out of our way to help. Not just financially, because sometimes it is easy to give some money and forget about the problem. We should be willing to go out and walk with our brother to help him fix his problems and help him physically and to be there with him.

Let us implement the example of the tribe of Al-Asharieen, which the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) praised by saying: If they go through hardship and if the food is not enough for their kids, they gather all of what they have in one place, and then they will divide it equally amongst each other. They are from me, and I am from them!

Subhan Allah, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was so pleased with their actions and the way that they gather together to help each other during times of hardship, that he said they are from me and I am from them! Why don't we join them as well, and follow their example!

May Allah (swt) guide us all to implement the concept of brotherhood in our community and amongst each other, and to follow in the footsteps of the companions and the early Muslims who implemented this practically in their lives.

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