#15 Revert Story

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When you face difficult time, know that challenges are not sent to destroy you. They're sent to promote, increase and strengthen you.

#15 Revert Story

"Asalaam alaikum brothers and sisters my name is Zee, and I would like to share my story..

I'm mixed, Latina/Pashtun. my mom is Christian and my dad is a Muslim, My parents are divorced. I was born Muslim but growing up I went to a baptist christian church and I didn't really have a faith to be honest with you, i never prayed or thought about religion at all.

I remember one night I cried to myself before I went to sleep that I wish I had the "perfect life", I wanted my family to be Muslim, I wish to have my dad teach me Islam. But it wasn't ever happening for me.

When I was about 14 years old, I told myself "You're Muslim, be Muslim" this always stuck with me.

I know there's no such thing as a perfect Muslim but I aimed to better myself.
I didn't have the guidance from my father to know about Islam, and I couldn't really learn from my mom because she isn't Muslim.

So I started going to the mosque every Sunday and I still remember girls laughing at me because I didn't even know how to recite fatihah or know anything about Islam, or that I couldn't wear hijab correctly to Sunday school..but that didn't stop me from learning.

Then at home I had to deal with non Muslim family members, I had to deal with them talking bad about my faith, and I never told them that it hurt me so much.

I even thought about just forgetting islam, didn't even feel comfortable praying in my room, I would pray where nobody can see me, or when no one was home.

But I no longer do this. Alhamdulillah, I am so proud to be Muslim. I came a long way, and I won't ever stop. If your story is similar to mine please know that you're not alone, Allah makes us go through hardships like this to test us and make us stronger! Alhamdulillah for my life ❤️" -

#Muslimah living in #Florida


We all get stressed at times; it's part of life, part of Allah's test and in fact, it is said that Allah tests those he loves most.

The prophet (pbhu) said:

"If Allah wants to do good to somebody, He afflicts him with trials." [Bukhari]

Have faith in Allah :)

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