#20 Revert Story

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Assalamualikum beloved Muslims. Another amazing journey that you and I will not wanna miss it for the world. Let us all welcome him and reflect hard on his journey shall we?

#20 Revert Story


"I never thought I would be invited to the house of Allah! You see, I grew up as a non-Muslim in Flint Michigan. My family was never hardcore religious people there fore, I never practiced a religious faith.

In 2010 I graduated High School not knowing what I was going to do with my life. College was my only option but I had no idea what I was going to major in. My first year of college I went through many experiences just like the average high school graduate.

I was struggling to find my purpose in life. So throughout 2010 into 2011 I was debating on joining the US Navy Seals,I was also very close to joining a fraternity. However, I did neither of those.

I got really deep into African studies instead which guided me to God but it did not guide me to Islam. The deeper I got into Black history the closer I became to God. I was still having fun and enjoying dunya but I was not looking for a spiritual change.

One day I asked my grandfather for a Quran (family friend gave it to him) and I read it for four months and it made my heart melt. It was as if the Quran was speaking to me. After four months I was debating if I should change my life and become Muslim, I spoke to a friend of mine and they said..."whats stopping you? What are you afraid of?" I couldn't say much, so that Friday I took my Shahada.

I knew nothing about Islam, Muhammad SAW, or the brotherhood that it brought. No one ever told me about Islam and look at me today.


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Alhumdulilah. I made umrah this past Ramadaan alhumdulilah. Make dua for me please, I need it...we all needit!!"

-One guy with the beard an African American Muslim brother living in Flint.

Yes.....This all started off with some random person giving his grandfather a Quran, don't ever underestimate dawah.


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