#19 Revert Story

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Don't change so that people will love you. Change so that Allah will love you.

#19 Revert Story


I was raised in a Christian church. In the Christian Church I had heard a lot about Muslims and people's hatred towards them, as well as me getting bullied by the church "family."

When I tured 13 I started questioning my religion and my beliefs. I talked to a friend who studied religions. For about 3 years I was going back and forth looking at different religions.

One day my friend brought up Islam and he educated me for hours. One day he told me to ask 3 Muslims one question and ask 3 Christians the same question.

I loved how each Muslim had the same answer and referred back to the Qur'an. Unlike the Christians who gave their own opinion. I had talked to a few other people who had asked me about my beliefs and tried to understand the Christian religion.

Nov. 7, 2015, I converted to Islam. Since then I have been made fun of, lost everyone in my life, and had cruel jokes made. I do NOT regret my decision. I am showing what being a Muslim means and letting my actions speak louder.

- Sent to me by  @baby_boo6977 On insta.

If you wanna share your story or others true inspiration or revert stories. You can PM me. Or on instagram also Id: ideal_muslima

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