#16 Inspiration Story

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Assalamualaikum everyone!

Here's something that you and i have to reflect hard on guys. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grants her hidayah. Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen.


#16 Inspiration Story

Hi, you can call me Maigan. I am not a Muslim. I went shopping in Cameron Village before going to the theater tonight. It was raining and I had straighten my hair, so I pulled part of my infinity scarf over my head.

Walking by one of the bars, I passed a man who scoffed loudly and called after me, "fuc*in Muslims." I whipped around to confront him, but I saw the smug look on his face.

He wanted a fight. I didn't want to argue his claim that I might be Muslim (though I am not), because I didn't want to confirm his argument them being Muslim is some how wrong.

I also didn't want the scene to escalate by engaging in a verbal fight with him. I smiled politely and said, "Merry Christmas," then continued walking to my car, because I opted to fight willful ignorance with kindness.

My heart goes out to the Muslim men and women who experience this kind of hatred and bigotry on a daily basis."

- #Maigan

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