The day we met.

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The gym was full of people with all sorts of signs and flags to show their love and support for our returning soldiers. We quickly found a good seat and waited for the ceremony to begin. The post command did his speach and announced the buses had arrived with our returning soldiers and you hear the crowd erupt with delight.
When the post command welcomed home the soldiers and thanked them for their sacrifice he then gave them their orders and released them to their families. Women and children moms and dads flew off the bleachers and ran to their loved one. We found Trev and then we found Martin for Trev to introduce us and for him to say bye and have a good night. When Martin was in front of me his uniform was very fitting on him. Jake nudged me cause it bothered him that I was staring at Martin. As we left Jade told Martin to come by the house tomorrow for a welcome home dinner. I suddenly felt giddy like a little school girl. Martin would be at Jade's house tomorrow I thought. So after I got off work I made sure to take a trip to Jade's house just so I could see him again.

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