The weeks to come.

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The next day Raymond and Jessica were in full on daddy daughter mode. Julian would be home and he will finally meet his little sister. Cleaning was difficult for me so Raymond did most of it since he could move faster than I could and I was supposed to be taking it easy since I still had staples. The night was rough on me since I had them in my tummy still. I couldn't lay flat to sleep cause they would tug. Reclining seemed to be the only way to get comfort.

At noon Julian's dad and grandma brought him to the house and he eagerly ran to me. He was warned about my tummy so he was gentle when he hugged me. Raymond was busy doing bottle since Jessica was such the piggy and ate every bottle to where there was none cleaned. Julian was excited and asked where his baby stister was. That how he pronounced the word sister since his front teeth were missing.

I pointed to her bassinet and he ran to her. His dad cautioned him to not touch her not wake her but just look. He stood at the side and looked in. He smiled wide and said that's her my baby stister mommy?? I said that was her. He began to try and touch her but his grandma warned him again not to touch and to let her sleep.

Julian wanted her awake so he could hold her. He sat down in his dad's lap and chartered to me about his time with his dad and talked to his grandma and Raymond and the rest of us like he was reliving his fun times. A few minutes had passed and Jessica began to stir. Julian's grandma had asked if she could hold her and I agreed to let her get her. She went and picked her up and held her close. She sat on the couch and Julian ran to kiss her head. Hi stister I am your big brodder Julian and I am going to protect you from all the boys and teach you how to ride my bike.

He begged to hold her and sat next to his grandma. Before laying Jessica in his arms she instructed him not to move when he held her. She placed Jessicain his arms and helped him hold her gently. She was staring at him as he talked to her about how much fun she was going to have while learning to ride his bike and how he would protect her from all the boys. He told her he would beat anyone up that tried to hurt her. We all laughed at that comment. He kissed her forehead again and said he wanted to watch his dooby doo movie. His grandma took Jessica completely again and asked her son if he wanted to hold her. Of course he obliged and held her for a few minutes until she began to get fussy.

He passed her to me as Raymond was finishing making her a bottle. Julian's dad and grandma left us shortly after they had enjoyed their visit with Jessica. Julian was watch Scooby doo. Raymond fed Jessica her bottle and then handed her to me to change and sooth her. Julian was such a big boy in helping with Jessica.

The rest of the day went well. Tomorrow was Jessica's first doctors appointment after her discharge from the hospital and my follow up as well with my OB. Raymond had to return to work that day so my momma would be taking me to our appointments.

That night Jessica was fussy keeping the whole house awake. Julian decided he didn't like his new baby sister since she kept waking him up with her constant crying. I suggested to Raymond that I take her for a short drive to help sooth her. Even though I am not to drive just yet just after having major surgery. He reluctantly agreed to let me go and try.

Helping put her in the car Raymond told me to just drive around the neighborhoodacross the street a few times to see if that calmed her down. Going back into the house he waved as I pulled out. I did what he suggested and just drove around the subdivision just across the road from us. After what felt like the twenty-fifth time of driving around Jessica was passed out.

So by the time I pulled back in Raymond knew she was sleeping. He helped move her from the car to the house. I told him to leave her strapped into her seat as t o not wake her. He agreed and I settled into my recliner to sleep. At about five thirty Raymond's alarm went off for him to go to work. Poor Julian was passed out on the floor in the living room with his blanket. Raymond left shortly before six and said he would be back after his PT.

Falling back asleep I didn't hear Jessica crying until Julian shook me awake. He brought me her bottle and a change of diaper for her. He was such the big help. He threw the old diaper out for me as I began to feed her. He was able to reach his bowl of cereal Raymond had poured for him and placed at the bottom of the fridge along with his cippy cup of milk.

He ate quietly while watching his blues clues. Jessica and I rested until momma came to help up get ready for our appointments at about eight.

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