The shock of the ultra sound.

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So the thought of me being pregnant was still shocking. I beat the odds for some cancer patients who have taken chemo. Most women after taking chemo aren't able to produce eggs or their eggs aren't viable any longer. I was scared about the pregnancy because I was high risk before with Julian I could just imagine how much higher of a risk I was taking after having had cancer.

The day of my ultra sound arrives and I go to the appointment on the base. Still not able to see my regular doctor. The one who delivered Julian. Raymond and I used to kid each other because twins and triplets run in our family on both sides. We used to say let's pray we have twins or triplets that way it will knock the kids out in one shot.

I still hadn't told Raymond at this point that I was pregnant. I kept it in for fear of the pregnancy not lasting like last time. Well the ultra sound tech called my name and I walked into the room with her. She asked me to pull my clothes of from the waste down and cover up with the blanket and the doctor would be in with her when she returned.

Scared I did what she asked. Since they couldn't tell how far along I was based on my last menstrual cycle they did an enternal pelvic ultra sound. They stuck this camera looking stick figure up into my vaginal area. Painful as it was I laid there trying not to tense up or per on the tech or the doctor. The tech was moving the stick thing around inside measuring and things.

They asked if I wanted to a picture. I said sure. The tech got quiet all of a sudden. She was looking and looking some more. The doctor was staring at the screen giving the tech orders. I told them of mine and Raymond's jokes about twin and triplets.

The doctor told the tech to move just to be sure of some things herself. So she moved that stick thing around and looked. Then she turned on the sound. She said here is baby A's heart beat and here is baby B's heart beat but what we can't seem to grasp is we think we see a third sack. You maybe having triplets we aren't sure. But definitely twins.

My eyes watered and said to the doctor and the tech that they were lying and just kidding around. But sure as it was the doctor turned the screen and faced it towards me and showed me the two sacks they could see.

They suspected a third but wasn't quite sure. So they scheduled me for another ultra sound in a few weeks where a 3D one would be performed and they could look and hear better. Assuring me their heart beats were fine and strong I left the hospital that day in shock and extremely excited for when the next time Raymond would be calling so I could tell him I was pregnant.

He knew I was sick when he left but didn't know for sure what it was. I kept stalling on telling him the results of my tests because I wanted to be 100% sure that I would be safe and not lose the pregnancy.

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