*Chapter 1* : New friends and New Beginnings

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2 months later

The scorching Chennai heat hit me hard when I stepped out of the airport with my huge drag along suitcase and shoulder bag. My brother was just behind me, along with my parents. Even though I insisted on travelling alone, considering the fact that Chennai was just forty five minutes away from Bangalore by flight, they decided to accompany me saying it was the first time I would be away from home. My mother also wanted to inspect my living conditions, considering that she was a stickler for cleanliness.

Soon we were approaching the gates of the University campus. The car drove through and parked at a random spot. I jumped out excitedly and started hopping around. My brother nudged me, signalling me with his eyes, calling my attention to a man who passed by, who looked at me strangely.

He was most probably a patient, who had come to the conclusion that I belonged in the mental asylum.

Just then, I saw a girl wearing a red kurti and white tights offer me a bright smile. The aura around her was filled with cheerfulness. Her ebony black hair which was put up in a high ponytail, bounced up and down as she skipped towards us.

"Excuse me?" I asked her politely "Do you know where the ladies' hostel is?"

She seemed nice and friendly and I wanted to make a good impression on the people in my campus from the beginning.

"Sure, I am headed there too," she said with a broad grin, showing her white teeth.

"Which year?" I asked, walking alongside her, my parents following close behind.

"MBBS 1st year," she said smiling. " I just arrived from Trichy two days back," she said, and I was surprised that she knew the way there despite being new to the place too.

"Oh... BDS 1st year," I replied with an equally enthusiastic grin. "I'm Riya Krishnan by the way," I said.

"Meera Anand," she offered.

We continued walking for a while till we stopped in front of a gate that looked like it hadn't been repainted in years.
She laughed at my disgusted expression.

"You can't expect more than this from a government institution," she said. "Be happy you at least have a place to stay."

I introduced my mom, dad and brother to her and they all exchanged greetings with each other. Then we went in to have a look at the rooms.

"Which room number were you alloted?"she asked.

"14," I said, after checking the mail I had received from the hostel warden.

"That's mine. Oh my god, you're my room mate," she said happily.

I smiled. This was going to be fun. At least I knew someone already here. Even if the room didn't look that great, my stay here seemed to look better at the prospect of having a friend around.

My mom wasn't impressed when she looked around my room. I saw her scrunch up her nose several times when she either discovered a cobweb somewhere or a rare cockroach.
My brother looked a little scared as he had always been allergic to dust.

"Are you sure you will be okay staying here Riyu?" he asked me and I nodded.

I wasn't much of a fusspot when it came to living among dirt. Literally.

"I will be fine guys," I said, trying to reassure mom too in the process.

She sighed. I assumed it meant 'can't do anything to convince my daughter otherwise and she's so adamant that even God can't help her.'

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