Chapter 23: (Arya's POV)

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Arya's Pov:

Having Riya so close to me after such a long time seemed to excite my nerves completely. They were firing signals rapidly and I was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Her head was resting on my shoulder and her breath tickled my senses. I badly wanted to kiss her. But I had to resist. She seemed to be in her own world, oblivious to her surroundings. I would give anything to know what she was thinking about. After an hour or so of aimlessly playing ( it was kind of a distraction and just something to do while making converation), Riya's friends winked at me and left the room. She was so out of it that she didn't even realize they weren't in the room. An urge to tease her suddenly popped up inside me.

I turned my head to see if she had fallen asleep. Our gazes locked. There was a palpable tension in the room which could be cut by a knife. We were so very close yet not close enough. I knew she realized what I wanted to do as soon as she looked at me. She was trying hard to control herself too. And then she smiled. It was a such a dazzling, bright, warm smile that lightened my heart.

Then she suddenly shifted from my side and attempted to get up. Once she realized there was no one else in the room, her eyebrows scrunched cutely in confusion. I wanted to take a picture of that face. And show it to our children.

Woh woh woh Arya ! My mind said. Aren't we going too far? You aren't even together..

I missed her touch. So I pulled her hand before she could completely get up, and she crashed into my lap. Every part of my body she was in contact with burned with a passion. I heard her sigh as she leaned against my chest.

My teasing tone decided to show its face, and I grinned.

" Where do you think you're going?"
Her cheeks flushed when she realized the intimate position we were in but she didn't bother to hide it.

" To get dressed?" she questioned me, mentally asking me if I had forgotten about the dinner date.

How would I ever forget that Riya? I thought. You are the first and only girl that I have taken out. You are the only girl that I have fallen for. I am way more anxious for this than you are. I an dying of anticipation right here. But I was too scared to voice any of these thoughts lest she think I was desperate.

" Just sit here for a while more...BTW Riya," I heard myself saying. " You forgot something."

Wait what? What did she forget? Why did I say that? Now I had to make up something.

If was incredibly cute to see her thinking about what it possibly could be that she forgot. She thought it was a birthday or an anniversary! Wow.

" No," I said finding the situation really amusing, so I let out a laugh. " You never told me what you feel for me. Only I did. I can't assume things on my own right? So your turn. Tell me Riya," I said.

Even though I knew that she liked me, there was a very small doubt in my mind and I needed confirmation. That's what made me say it.

Riya started fidgeting. She moved her eyes all over the room, trying to avoid my gaze. She decided to answer my question with questions but I wasn't letting her go so easily.

" Well, maybe because you didn't want to miss an awesome chance to go out with me?" I teased.

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. " In your dreams."

The posture was so dramatic and her expression was so cute that I couldn't help but let out an involuntary chuckle. Laughter bubbled out of my throat before I could stop it and filled the room.

A pink colour rose to her cheeks. And I couldn't look away. Her presence made me happy. I grinned at her and she finally smiled back. It seemed like some of the tension in the room had dissipated. Then she spoke.

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