*Chapter 23*: Approvals and Anticipation

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Riya's POV:

It was really hard to concentrate on the card game when Arya's face was so close to mine. The only thought that ran through my mind was that it was so easy to kiss him. It seemed like he was also desperately trying to control himself from giving in. This brought a really happy smile upon my face.

When I had seen him on the other side of the door, after I returned from the park, I was initially shocked. But my body didn't let the shock last even for a minute before it made me throw my hands around him. Lately my heart and body were controlling my mind a lot.

It had been so so long since I had hugged him. It had felt soo good. If I had a choice, I would have stood there in his arms forever, but we had to break apart since my friends were watching us and also because it seemed awkward.

Coming back to the present, I realized that it was already 6 in the evening. So I got up to go get dressed, when I realized that Arya and I were the only people in the room.

Wait wait, weren't we playing a card game?

He tugged on my wrist and I ended up on his lap. He grinned.

" Where do you think you're going?"

" To get dressed?"

" Just sit here for a while more...that reminds me...Riya you forgot something."

" Huh what? Somebody's birthday? Anniversary?"

" Nooo," he said laughing when I started rambling.
" You never told me what you feel for me. Only I did. I can't assume things on my own right? So your turn. Tell me Riya."

That was so sudden. I wasn't expecting him to blurt it out so directly. I had underestimated him. He had become so bold these days.

" Well isn't it obvious? What I feel for you? Why would I have agreed to the date otherwise? " I said, trying to evade the topic.

Arya smirked. Whaaat? From when did he start doing that? I was going to kill Desh when I find him.

" Well maybe because you didn't want to give up an awesome chance to go out with me?"

" In your dreams."

Arya started chuckling and I blushed. Then Arya gave me a radiant grin.

This time I looked into his eyes when I spoke.

"I know that I like you a lot," I said, smiling.
"If my tachycardia or the flush in my cheek doesn't tell you, then I don't know what will."

Tachycardia- An abnormally rapid heart rate.

" Hahaha Riya...that's cute...you want medical pick up lines now...? Well, my protracted cardiac arrhythmia tells me that I am falling for you."

" What are you guys doing seriously?" Tanisha asked, entering the room suddenly.
" Medical pick up lines? Sooo lame."

" It's not lame. It's adorable," I said, smiling at Arya.

Tanisha realized that I wasn't going to get embarrassed or acknowledge her presence and so she stomped away with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

" Use protection," she screamed, as she left.

What the hell? I was just sitting on his lap!

" Aaagh I will kill you!" I screamed.

" Sure you can try," she screamed back as her voice lost its intensity.

I just leaned my head against Arya's chest and sighed. Even silence was worth the time when I was around him. I could hear the rapid beat of his heart and feel his Adam apple bobbing as he spoke.

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