*Chapter 10*: Confessions and Feelings

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"Wake up Riya, Wake up," I heard a faint voice calling me.

I was still submerged in the depths of sleep and the prospect of having to get up from the comfortable, cosy bed didn't please me . It was my holidays and I had a right to sleep how much ever I wanted to. Who the heck was irritating me now?

Suddenly an arm grabbed my shoulder and started shaking me.
It felt oddly familiar, like a past memory.
I swatted it away unconsciously. The person didn't give up. They pulled something off me. I suddenly realized it was extremely cold and there was no warm blanket covering me.

I groaned loudly. I was about to yell a string of curse words when I was suddenly drenched with something cold, something that rendered me speechless.

" What the hell?" I exclaimed, jumping off the bed in one shot.

I opened my eyes to see the one and only Tanisha grinning mischievously at me.

" Do you want me to get hypothermia?" I asked her with a stern face.

She chuckled even more after seeing my face and my hair hanging loosely on either side of my head.

"You know, that pretend stern face is such a fail," she said giggling. "I am sure you know that you can never get angry with me."

Unfortunately she was right. I hardly got angry with my best friend. Any fight we had always led to both of us laughing our heads off in the end, stuffing our faces with popcorn and having a movie night together. It was just like that with us.

" Yeah," I sighed.

Then I got an evil idea.
I walked over to her before she could react and slowly enveloped her in a hug, crushing her to my chest so tightly that all her clothes became wet too.

Revenge, I thought.

After we pulled away from the hug, she glared at me, before scowling.
Just then, my brother came skipping into the room. Literally. He opened his mouth to say " Tanuu" but slowly clamped it shut with his hand.

" Oh hey you're awake I see. Nice style Riya," he said, winking at me.

Tanu and Anandi shared a look and Anandi smirked just as Tanisha's cheeks turned pink. I realized at that moment that she had walked closer to my brother to stand next to him, without realizing.

After that, my brother sauntered out of my room with a " I will be in the TV room."
There was something definitely going on that I had missed. As far as I knew, my brother had still not asked her out. Right? RIGHT? Then what was this all about?

I turned to Tanu with a devious smile, one eyebrow raised in a questioning manner. She was looking everywhere else but at me. But I was not letting her get away with this. I decided to leave it for now though. I would ask her later.

She seemed to be in a daze when I walked up to her and poked her. And hopefully her thoughts were revolving around that of my brother. He he, I was such a Tanandhith shipper.

She jerked away from me suddenly at the contact, then came back to her senses.

"Don't you think we both should change our clothes, considering the fact that we are completely drenched?" she asked me.

"Yeah, wait a minute."

I went over to my closet and took a bunch of clothes out. I tossed a red knee length shorts and a white tank top at her and took the remaining clothes with me to the bathroom.

" I am going to have a quick shower, go talk to Anandi, " I said to Tanu, from inside the bathroom.

Her receding footsteps were the last thing I heard before I switched on the shower full force. While bathing, my thoughts as usual, went back to Arya. I knew I really liked him. My brain told me to be logical and let go but my heart still pined for him. Sometimes, he was so confusing. He always gave me mixed signals. What was I supposed to understand from that?

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