*Chapter 9*: Almost sister and Boy hugs

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The following few days saw a lot of improvement in me as a clinician. I found it easier to take case histories, identify what the problem was and hand over whatever was required to Arya. He still didn't trust me completely. After all, I hadn't finished my BDS and had just finished 2nd year so it was allowed.
Meera too came back from Trichy with a huge smile on her face, saying that all had gone well with her parents. Infact, it seemed that her mother had already forced the information out of her brother when she suspected something was going on.
It had already been a week of working, and I remembered that Diya was supposed to arrive today. If you forgot, Diya was Tanu's sister.

My phone rang with 'Cheerleader', waking me up from the short nap I had fallen into.

" Riyaaaa," Diya screamed excitedly over the phone. " Hiii!!"

" Heyyy!" I said with a huge smile.
"Where are you?"

" Right outside your dorm."

" Whaaaat?" I said and ran outside to see a grinning Diya standing with a suitcase beside her.
I ran over and enveloped her in a huge hug.

" Wowww, it's been so long!" She said, once I pulled back. " Did you do something to your hair? Oh my goodness you dyed it," she said and started jumping.

I smiled innocently, then started laughing at her excited face.

" From when did you learn to dress yourself up without me?" She teased.
"It's gorgeous Riya, it suits you well."

I remembered why I had done it. At that time, it had seemed a fancy thing to die the ends of your hair the colour your crush loved. Now that I think of it, it was a really silly thing considering the fact that he didn't comment about it. Just a "Oh there's something different about your hair."
He had become really quiet suddenly after the ice cream incident. He acted as if whatever happened didn't even happen. He became closed off and only occasionally shot me a fleeting smile. I didn't know if it was my fault.

" Thanks," I replied, twirling my hand through the strands. The ends were dyed a light brown.

" Was it to impress someone?" She asked with a grin.

" Pshttt," I said. " Nothing like that."

I am pretty sure she read through my lie like a pro then, but she didn't comment. She had an amused expression on her face.

" Do I get to meet this person?" She continued, as if I hadn't just denied about the existence of ' someone'

" Mmm," I said.
" Anyways though, how come you're not at that meeting you came to Chennai for?"

" I will go there...it's in the afternoon, just thought I'd meet my favourite sis first..don't tell Tanisha I said that okay?" And I laughed.

" So tell me..how has your life been then?"

" Mom's looking for a groom already. Oh my god..all my dreams of finding a guy are going to be crushed now," she said dramatically, waving her hands around.

She had always been a good actor.

" Haha, Tanu never told me about this."

" That's because she herself got to know about it only yesterday. And I am sure she is busy with her own life."

That sparked my curiosity. My brother hadn't said anything, but I had to ask.

" Did Anandith tell you anything?"

" About what?"

" You know..." I said waving my right hand around.

" Oh my god did the two kids finally tell each other how much they love each other?"

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