*Chapter 29*: Alliances and Agreements

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Arya's POV:

As soon as I returned home from Riya's hostel, mom called me to talk about something important.

" Mr and Mrs Krishnan are coming tomorrow. Riya doesn't know. Don't tell her," mom said.

" Okay mom. I definitely won't."

"Where were you all this while?"

" Riya's hostel. She wasn't feeling well so I went there to check on her."

I thought mom would scold me for going there without telling her. But surprisingly she didn't.

" Ohhh poor child. Is she feeling better now?"

It was astonishing that just a horoscope compatibility could change the way a person acts towards another.

" Yeah she is."

" Hope she gets well soon."


Riya's Pov:

After a whole day's rest, I felt so much more better and rejuvenated . Meera had made soup for me for dinner the previous night and I had it with bread.

Now, it was 10 am and I was getting ready to go meet Arya's parents.

" Be careful okay Ri? You're still recovering. Don't eat anything outside."

" Yes mom," I told Meera.

I walked down the stairs and waited near the gate. Arya said he would come pick me up.

He arrived on his bike five minutes later. I got on and he drove at high speed till we reached his house.

When I entered through the door, I got the biggest shock of my life. Luckily it was a good one. My mom and dad were sitting on their living room sofa grinning at me.

Arya's parents were seated beside them and their eyes were directed at me, waiting to gauge my reaction to my parents' unexpected presence.

I was left speechless, so I did the only think that I was capable of at that moment. I ran over to my parents and tried to hug them simultaneously, which led to me being in an awkward position- half on mom's lap and half on dad's- before I gave them a warm smile.

" I am not in a dream right now, am I?" I questioned, looking between mom and dad, my gaze wandering from one to the other.

" How are you guys here?" My voice had turned excited and the happiness which was bubbling inside me was ready to burst out at any minute. A full blown grin had taken over my features, and I was literally skipping from tile to tile.
They chuckled when I pulled away from the embrace.

" Your mom was beaming with joy when she heard the good news of the compatibility. So she told me, that we definitely ought to go and meet the family of the boy our girl was in love with," my dad said grinning cheekily.

That single sentence, caused a rosy red blush to cover my cheeks and I averted my gaze to look at anything else in the room except my dad. And it so ended up landing on Arya and that made my cheeks turn pinker, the moment he winked at me. I felt my heart beat skyrocketing when our gazes completely locked. I felt my insides going fuzzy. If this was how I was going to feel every time we looked at each other, I was very sure I would die of a heart attack soon.

My gaze shifted to Arya's parents who were watching everything going around with an amused expression on their faces. I looked at them and gave them a sweet smile.

There was an awkward silence that had settled among us for a moment and I was wondering how to break it when-
Aradhana ran into the room and enveloped me in a tight hug.

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