*Chapter 27*: Talks and Beliefs

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Arya's POV:

" Mom, what are you doing here?"

She gave me a look as if to say ' How dare you ask me such a question in my own house?'

" Well, we decided to return few days in advance since your dad had some work in the clinic."

" Oh.."

I stood there nervously, fiddling with my fingers. I knew what her next question was going to be.

" Who's the girl behind you?"

" Umm...a friend," I stammered nervously.

" What is she doing in our house? And why are you both carrying travel bags?"

Her endless questions were causing me to panic. I couldn't come up with lies so fast. But before I could open my mouth to say anything, Dad entered the room, behind mom.

" Riya Krishnan, what a pleasure. What's the occasion?" He asked smiling.

Phew. Saved atleast for a moment.

Mom turned to him with an eyebrow raised.

" You know this girl?"

" Of course, she's the intern who was assigned to work under Arya in our clinic. She's going to 3rd year in dentistry. Remember I told you she is an excellent student?" He said.

Mom turned around and observed Riya.

" I still don't understand what she's doing here." My mom said rudely.

" There must be an explanation. Arya?"

This was the moment to reveal the truth. I didn't know how my parents would take it. But I couldn't lie.

" Mom, Dad, could we sit down? There's something we need to talk to you about..."

" We?" Mom asked with a suspicious look.

" Yes, we," I said boldly.

We all took our seats on the sofa in the living room.

Dad looked at me to start. I suddenly felt like my throat was choked with soot. Mom's eyes were completely directed at me and I was scared.

Riya, who was sitting right next to me squeezed my hand for reassurance. Dad noticed it and smiled. I had a feeling he had caught on to what I was about to say. He was known to be very perceptive. Mom still had a frown on her face though. It was hard to please her.

I took a deep breath before beginning.

" Mom, this is Riya Krishnan. Dad, I know you already know her."

" And I really really like her. Infact I think I may be in love with her. I want your permission to marry her. Not that I am going to marry her now, since she still has to finish her studies. But I wanted to tell you in advance before getting into a relationship." I said.

Mom's jaw dropped in shock and she placed one hand over her mouth.

" Ayyoo rama rama, what is happening to my son?" She began.

Dad looked at me. " Why didn't you tell us earlier?" He asked.

" Dad, I only asked her out two days back," I said, blushing.

" Okay," he chuckled.

" You're okay with this?" mom screamed at dad. " You're okay with him having a girlfriend?"

" Calm down Radhika, he's 24 now, he has the right to make his own decisions. Riya is very talented and excels in whatever she does. Also, I know her uncle well and they are from a reputed family. She's a Tamil Brahmin too. What problem do you have?"

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