*Chapter 18*: Birthday time!

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Riya's POV:

"Wake wake up! It's 12 already."

After Anandith had proposed to Tanisha, we had all insisted on him giving us a treat and had gone out for lunch to Pizza Corner.

We each ate a Conizza and some potato wedges and garlic bread and the three guys also ordered drinks. The girls of course stole the drinks from the guys, and since we were in majority, the boys didn't get more than five sips.

Throughout the entire time in the restaurant, we teased the duo.

"Awww you guys are really so adorable, " I said, ruffling my brother's hair and pinching Tanisha's cheeks.

They both swatted my hand away, but surprisingly Anandith's reply was " Of course..stop telling us what we already know..." And I burst out laughing.

Tanisha was a big fan of olives but Anandith hated them to the core. He had offered to eat one to prove the extent of his love for her. It was so cute. At the same time, it was so funny watching him scrunch his face in disgust and pinch his nose while swallowing it.

Tanisha was very amused by his antics and in return for his effort, she kissed him lightly on his cheek, in fact too close to his mouth that I felt I had to look away. It was embarrassing okay?

Rahul had also, surprisingly, started to open up and it was nice to see him becoming comfortable with my brother and best friend.

He was still a little aloof with Desh though. I don't know what was bothering him. It seemed a little strange to me. They had been extremely close few months back. So what had happened now? I had to find out somehow. And the best person to ask was Desh. But I would do it later when we had some time alone together.

After the lunch, we had spent the day outside watching DeadPool in the theatre and we had clutched our stomachs and laughed so much that the people in the theatre gave us odd looks. Hahaha I guess many of them didn't understand the subtle innuendos. We had munched on popcorn and nachos while watching the movie and had thrown it at each other's faces whenever one person had bashed the other. And that had happened a lot! We had soo much of fun!

We didn't want to go home yet, so we headed to this GameZone Amoeba. Tanisha challenged Anandith to a game of Air Hockey. The arrogant smartass aka my brother was soo sure that he was going to win that he'd offered to buy all of us an ice-cream. Not too much I know but come on... It's ice-cream! And as expected, he had lost and Tanisha couldn't be happier. She jumped up and down and hugged all of us. Even Rahul, who seemed okay with it.

By the time, we had reached home, it had been 8 and I was so tired that I had crashed into bed after gobbling up the noodles mom had made for dinner.

I knew my friends were still awake since I heard their animated voices in the background as my eyes drooped and I was swept into the land of sleep.

"Nooo," I groaned sleepily, covering my face with a pillow. "Let me sleep."

" Nooo I won't. It's your birthday..." Anandith said, literally dragging me out of the bed with my legs.

" Lord have mercy on me!" I screamed.

Just then I was splashed with cold water from all sides...why did everyone enjoy torturing me?

" I can't believe you're sleeping on your birthday...YOU'RE supposed to be excited, not us. Get up right now..." Kajal said, yanking the duvet off me.

I had no choice but to finally wake up. I stretched my hands up above my head and yawned.

Just when I opened my eyes to glance at the people surrounding me, they all screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY! almost deafening me...my poor ear drums. Then they started to sing Happy Birthday in their out of pitch and out of tune voices, all together, but the sweet gesture brought a smile to my face and I grinned.

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