*Chapter 15*:Deep thoughts and Careless words

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Shyla's POV:

I looked at Arya's sleeping form and smiled. A pink coloured blush rose to my cheeks instantly. He looked so calm and serene and I couldn't help but admire him. Even though my sensible mind told me that I shouldn't be pining after someone who was far beyond my reach, my heart couldn't help but erratically beat for him. No matter what, I still loved him. And that feeling wasn't going to go away just because he didn't reciprocate. It was going to take a long time to get over him, since I had loved him from when I was 18.
Gazing at his immaculately chiseled jawline, my thoughts drifted to the recent conversation I had with a friend.

" Shy, you're making the biggest mistake of your life!"

" What are you trying to say Kriti?"

"Don't give up on Arya. Go after your man. You've loved him for so many years. And he's known you for such a long time. It's possible he has feelings for you. Don't give up so easily."

"But Kriti...What about Riya? I can see it in his eyes, he really does love her..."

" It's probably an infatuation Shy...you're destined to be with him."

"Noo, Kriti I can't take your advice this time. I know Arya really well and I can read his emotions perfectly. He does love her, he probably doesn't even know it yet," I said, chuckling dryly.

"Ok Shy, I won't say anything more to force you. It's your life, after all."

"Thanks. I appreciate that."

I was pretty sure my decision about giving up on Arya at that time was the right one.
It made me a bit sad, but I could move on. I was strong.
I would find a man better than him. And totally make Arya jealous... And make him repent the fact that he rejected me...haha not in an evil way but for fun..

I looked at the clock hanging above Arya's bed.

Oh no, it was already 12. Arya's parents and sister could return any moment. They had gone to attend a concert which Arya wasn't interested in, and hence weren't at home when I came. I had come as soon as Arya called leaving all my work in the clinic, assigning it to a junior staff. The urgency in his voice and the slur in his speech worried me and I had rushed to his house immediately. I was shocked when I saw him so drunk but I was used to handling him like this. After all, we had been best friends for a reason.

Coming out of my momentary daydream, I hurriedly scribbled down a note and left it on his night stand, so that he'd see it as soon as he woke up.

Dear Arya,
I tried waking you up but you were out like a log. Leaving for the clinic. Left some food in the fridge for you. Eat it. Take care. Call me if you need anything else.
Shy :)
PS: I also packed a bag for you. Don't forget that you have your flight at 8 today. I won't be able to come to the airport but I wish you all the best.

I tried poking him and calling his name softly but he was in deep slumber.

I slowly crept out of the room precariously, took all my things and rushed to the clinic.
I told the other doctors that Arya was not keeping well and hence wouldn't be able to attend the clinic today.
Then, I sat down to resume my daily work.

Riya's POV:

What had this idiotic Desh done? I could imagine what must be going on in Arya's head right now... I knew he was a prankster and loved annoying the hell out of people...but really? This was too much..Did Arya really care anyways? But...that would matter only if he really liked me right? Did he? I was so anxious to know. I just HAD to know. But first, I needed to apologize to him.

I rummaged through my things to search for my diary. I luckily had Arya's cell number written down in it. I was always organized in that respect and kept my things neatly.
So I dialed the number on my landline and waited, the phone pressed to my ear.

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