*Chapter 16* : Airport Scenes and Dazed Reveries

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Arya's POV:

"Have a safe trip kanna( darling), call when you reach," Mom said as she bade me good bye before I got into the car to leave for the airport.

My sister tackled me with a hug and I affectionately kissed her cheek.
" Bon voyage!" she told me.
" Come back with lots of chocolates."

" Alright," I said smiling. I waved at both of them and got into the car.
I always loved the airport. It gave me this feel of being free. A sense of freedom.
After I finished checking in all my baggage and the security procedures, I sat on a seat, waiting for the announcement for boarding.
Since I had nothing much to do at the moment, my thoughts wandered back to Riya. Everywhere I looked I could see people like her. I was going mad.
I recalled an incident that had occurred few minutes back.
I was standing in a queue waiting to check my bags in when a girl walked past me. She had short hair upto her chin and big bright eyes like Riya's. They reminded me so much of her that I couldn't help but stare at her. She seemed a little younger than Riya, though.
"Treesa," her mom called. " Can you help me with this bag?"

(A/N : @ChristineLovedale this is for you :* )

I wanted to see Riya so badly. I missed her so much. Her vibrant energy was something I envied. I was sober and quiet and disciplined. I needed to learn how to loosen up.

Caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize it was my turn next.

" Sir?" The lady behind the counter questioned. " Your bags?"

I snapped out of my reverie and placed my suitcase on the conveyor belt.
I had really been so stupid.
This was the right moment to call Riya. I HAD to try.

I knew she was angry and wouldn't pick up the phone, so I decided to facetime, considering that she had an IPad at home.

After a few rings , surprisingly her face popped up but she had this small frown. Her hair was sweeped up into a high pony and her eyes were wide in surprise.

My heart was about to leap out of my chest. I could feel myself starting to blush.

Snap out of it idiot, I told myself.

And then I realized I had said it aloud, when Riya gave me a confused look.

She looked so damn adorable that it was hard to look away.

"Heyyy, " I said, smiling, but she didn't reply.

Stupid me, what the hell was I doing? I was so tongue tied I couldn't get a word out.

"Hi! How are you?"

I hit my head again. I was acting like a doofus.

"Riya, I really missed you."

She turned her head to look at me and I felt a buzz when our gazes locked.

"Really? I assumed Shyla was enough for you?"

I winced. I should have thought of what I was getting myself into before I called. But as usual, I was impulsive and something made me want to see her face so badly.

"Riya, don't be like that. There's nothing going on between me and her."

"Oh? Well, what am I supposed to infer from " she was in the bed with me?"

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