*Chapter 11*: Phone Problems

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It was already my third day in Bangalore and it was a Monday. Tanu decided to take me shopping. I asked her if she didn't have college since her holidays didn't match with mine but she just shut me up. It was supposedly alright to miss one day of college for a best friend who visits once in a blue moon. (Her words, not mine.)

Anandith couldn't accompany us since he had work and I don't think he would have come. Even if he got the whole time to stare at Tanisha. Boys and shopping just didn't go well together. ( No offense to any boys, it's Riya's view.)

According to Tanisha, Chennai didn't have such good brands and outlets like Bangalore did. But she didn't realize that Chennai was a much better place for haggling and everything was economical there.

After a lot of persuading, I finally decided to agree to her whims and fancies to please her.
She had said "Riyu, What the hell are you wearing these days? It so doesn't bring out your eyes or suit your body contour! You need to go shopping. Like right now."

I failed to mention the fact that all the clothes I had been wearing were all from Bangalore, except a select few. And the one which she was currently pointing at with a disdainful look on her face was also from here. She was literally such a drama queen. But I still loved her till the moon and back.
A dreamy smile crept up onto my face when I thought of that.

"Hey dude! What are you smiling about? Come try out this purple kurti top."

Oops I guess I had been in my own dreamworld. We were right now in this shop called Kalanjali in Forum Mall and Tanisha was making me try everything. Aaargh. I didn't really like to shop for clothes! It was tiring. But she was sooo persistent and I should applaud her for that.

Finally after an hour, I ended up buying a yellow short kurti top with dark green salwar pants.
One more to add to the list of clothes acting as my uniform, I thought.

"Okay all this shopping has made me hungry," I said glancing at Tanu.

"Okay! Let's go to CCD, come," she said, tugging at my hand and literally pulling me out of the shop.

"Woh yeah coming," I said, grinning.

CCD. Cafe Coffee Day. Arya Mahadevan. A small smile crept onto my face and so did an involuntary blush.
Oh my gosh, I still hadn't texted him. How could I forget? I wonder what he would have thought of me. But what would I have said to him?
'Just reached' would have sounded too formal and anything else would make him doubt my intentions. And anyway if he cared, he too could have called back or texted right? Aah I was so confused. God, why are you doing this to me? I am just a 19 year old girl from an ordinary family living a normal life.

Coming back to my senses, I realized we had entered the small coffee shop. Tanisha paid for both of our Cafe Latte's and we sat down at a table to enjoy it. I rummaged in my pocket for my phone, and when my hand came out empty, I panicked. Where the bloody hell was my phone? I just had it five minutes back.

" Tanuuu, do you have my phone?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

" Dudee, Tanisha, I am not in the mood for playing. Where is it?" I asked seriously.

My best friend shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.
" You didn't give it to me."

" Oh God," I said, putting a hand over my forehead.

I started hyperventilating. It was a freaking IPhone and my mom would kill me if I lost it. All my photos, all my contacts...today wasn't my day. And I was planning to text Arya too. Bloody hell!

Tanisha placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and sighed.

" We will find it Riyaa..think calmly, where did you last use it?"

" I guess, in the clothes shop. I gave it to you when I went to try on that yellow top, but then I took it back from you after that. It was with me after that the whole time unless I absent mindedly left it somewhere, on a shelf. Oh God Tanu what am I going to do ?"

"Let's go back and check. But first, I will call your phone," she replied calmly, trying to cheer me up.

She pressed my contact and placed the phone to her ear.

" Dude, it's continuously ringing, no one's picking up!"

"Oops my phone's in silent," I said exasperatedly.

We hurriedly finished our cold coffees.
Then, we both ran to the store and walked inside. I sauntered all over the place and checked all the shelves. Tanisha went into the changing rooms with a radiant smile hoping to find something but came back out with a blank expression. It wasn't there.

Seeing that we had been searching for something, a store helper came over to ask us what the problem was. When we explained it to her, she said that she had not found anything of that sort anywhere too.

I really didn't have any hope. I had to live with the fact that my destiny was to face my mom's wrath.

Someone had probably stolen it when I was dazedly dreaming while walking to CCD. There HAD been a pretty big crowd. And anyone could have pick pocketed it considering that it had already been half out my back pocket. Curse those damn small pockets of skinny jeans! And well, it was partially my fault too. I shouldn't have been dreaming about Arya.
He was occupying too much of my mind space lately. Sighing, I leant my head on Tanu's shoulder and she patted my head comfortingly. She was a bit taller than me.

We both walked out silently after that and Tanu drove me home.
When we reached my place, she said
" It's okay Riya, mistakes do happen."

" It wasn't a mistake Tanu, and you know it very well. It was my own carelessness."


She couldn't say anything to that since it was true.
I waved bye to her after which she drove away.
I walked into the house with a dejected look on my face and a heaviness in my heart.

Time to face mom, I thought sadly.

My mom realized there was something wrong as soon as I walked in. She came over to me and gave me a warm hug.

" What's wrong?" She asked me, concern laced in her tone. And that made me feel all the more guilty.

I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Don't judge me okay? I am sensitive.
I spluttered whatever I could while starting to sob. " Mom..phone...lost" were some of the words I said and then realization dawned on my mom's face.

She turned me around from her embrace and I expected to see her stern expression but she had a soft smile.
" I know you must be surprised that I am not scolding you, but what's gone can't be brought back now can it?"she said softly.
" I am sure you and your friend must have made utmost efforts to search for it and if it still wasn't there, then we must accept that it was written in your Fate for you to lose it."

I looked at my mom, shocked. She was consoling me instead of screaming at me. She was justifying the fact that it was not my fault by bringing Fate in. Wow, I had the best mom. I hugged her even more tightly and kissed her on her cheek.

" Thanks mom, for always being there for me."

She looked at me with a weird expression after that.

" Did you drink something Riya?"

And I chuckled heartily. She had managed to brighten up my mood and my day seemed ten times better now.

With a contented sigh, I left for my room to go take a nap. It lasted for fifteen minutes, after which I spent the rest of my day wondering about how I was going to contact Arya now and when. And yes, I had to deactivate my sim too. That was my first priority.

After dinner, which was Puri and Aloo, my favourite, I dozed off with a happy smile painted across my face. My day hadn't gone as bad as I had imagined. I hadn't been kicked out of the house yet. Yet was the keyword there.

So my dear friends,

What will Riya do now that her phone is lost?
How is she going to contact Arya? And what if when she tries to contact him, he doesn't pick up because...lol not revealing anything...read further to find out ;)
Hope you liked the chapter!

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Adios amigos,
:) harshini :)

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