*Chapter 12*: Bro-sis time and revelations

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I woke up to someone jumping on my bed. I groaned. Wasn't anybody going to let me sleep in peace anyday?

I slowly opened one of my eyes and squinted at the scene in front of me. I screamed when I realized that someone's face was extremely close to mine. I slapped the person's cheek when I realized who it was and smirked. Then I jumped out of the bed and ran to the bathroom in a jiffy.

"Oww," I heard a girlish shreak. "What the hell was that for?"

" For disturbing my sleep you dickhead!" I screamed from inside.

I was busily squirting toothpaste onto my tooth brush. I brushed hurriedly and ran down the stairs.

"Mom," I called.

"Riya is that you? Is it raining outside? How are you up so early?"

She was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea and reading a newspaper.

" What time is it?"

"6 am."

" What the hell?" I screamed. " Anandi you asshole."

" Riya, language," my mom scolded.

Then I heard a chuckle and saw my brother coming down the stairs.
I ran over to him and started repeatedly punching his shoulder.

" Woh Woh Woh stop," my brother said.

" Screw you," I said, after giving up on my poor attempt at punching him which probably didn't even hurt.

"Eww no."

" Kids," my mom said with a reprimanding look on her face. But she seemed really amused at our banter.

I harrumphed and left the room to go to the kitchen. My stomach was grumbling. I was really in the mood to have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with a glass of hot chocolate.

" Wait Riya," my brother called after me. " I wanted to tell you something."

I ignored him completely. I knew I was being childish but come on, a girl has her moods.But I couldn't for very long since our kitchen was an open type without a door, so he followed me in.
I still didn't utter a single word when he came over to stand next to me. I continued spreading peanut butter on one slice and jam on the other slice. I didn't move my gaze even for a minute. I was staring at the bread slices like they were the most interesting things on the planet.

Then Anandhith started poking me.

" Riyuuuuu," he screamed into my ear and I dropped the knife I was using in fright.

He gave me a sheepish expression. His puppy dog look. Oh God. Why the hell did I look at him? He knew I would give in if he made that face. I am such a big idiot.

No, my mind said. You are NOT succumbing to that look Riya.

So I looked away and tried my best to keep a stern expression on my face.

Anandhith sighed. After trying to poke me, scream in my ear, shake my shoulders, give me his puppy dog look and grovel, I guess he'd finally given up.

"I am sorry. "

What? Did I hear right? Is Anandith with the big ego actually apologizing to me? No way in hell!

I turned to him, shocked. He grinned, flashing his brilliantly white teeth.

" Did you just apologize? Is the world coming to an end?" I exclaimed.

" Oh come on, Riya, stop it and hear me out."

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