*Chapter 19* : Secrets

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Riya's POV:

Hearing Arya utter those five words had sent my heart into over drive. Knowing that my secret would be out any moment, I didn't even try to hide the blush that crept onto my cheeks. My lips stretched into the widest grin possible and I knew my face must have reflected the immense joy I felt at the moment. I wanted to tell him I felt the same. I wanted to tell him how he made my heart skyrocket, how he made me giggle like a school girl when he called my name, how he so effortlessly held my heart in his hands, since I had given it to him.

But as I parted my lips to utter that single sentence, the one through which I wanted to pour out my heart to him, the connection got cut. Why why why. I was extremely frustrated. I couldn't even call him back, since he said, he had a dinner to attend to. Also, he probably had got a foreign Simcard.

Even though I felt a teeny tiny bit of disappointment at the prospect of not getting a chance to reveal my true emotions, I was elated. Arya liked me. He liked me. And not just liked. He really liked me.

It was hard to keep the overwhelming surge of emotions I felt locked up inside me. Soooo I squealed happily.

" Oh my goshhhh, I can't believe it, this is the best birthday present everrrrr!" I yelled to the walls.

Knowing that the one person you loved reciprocated your feelings was more than enough to brighten one's day. And I was in seventh heaven.

It was actually pretty early in the morning and Arya's call had woken me up from my sleep. I really hoped I hadn't disturbed anybody by squealing so loudly. But it was too late. For somebody had already heard.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and a male voice drifted towards my ears.

" Can I come in?" Desh questioned.

That was weird. He usually just barged in, without any questions or permission. What was up with him?

" Sure Desh, come on over. "

I walked to my door and opened it wide for him. He was standing a little stooped with one hand in his pocket and another by his side. He seemed slightly nervous for some reason.

" What's up?"

" Well firstly before I start with whatever I came to tell you, why were you yelling like someone who had won a lottery?" He asked with an impish grin.

" Well...," I said shyly, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at me.

" Is it what I think it is?"

" What are you thinking?"

" Arya asked you out?"

" Far from it.. But he said he really likes me!" I said excitedly.

Desh became really quiet for some time.

" Desh, is something wrong? Are you OK with it?"

" Of course I am okay with it...why won't I be?"

" Nooo it's just..." I looked down at the floor.

" What is it Riya?"

" I am sorry, I somehow always thought you had feelings for me..."

He chuckled for a while. I looked up at his face and our eyes locked.
There was an undecipherable emotion swimming in them which made me blurt out, " Then what's bothering you Desh?"

He ignored me for a moment and continued.

" No Riya, I never had any feelings for you."

"Not even in the first year of college?"

"Nope. That was just me fooling around like I have mentioned earlier."


I felt a tad bit disappointed knowing that I had been the only one pining for him then. I had at that time, been attracted to him. Even though my crush had been miniscule, I still had liked him. And he had just been fooling around?

"Riya... Listen.."

" Yeah?" I said, momentarily broken from my thoughts.

" There is something I need to confess to you..I kept it hidden from you for a very long time, because I didn't know how you would react to it. It IS regarding my feelings. And I wanted you to know the truth.

But I was extremely scared to tell you. I really feared that I would lose my best friend if I told you. So I didn't. I still don't know how you will react to it. Whether you will be repulsed by the fact, whether you will feel pity or whether you will brush it aside and accept me for who I am. But with the recent awkwardness, misunderstandings and all that's been happening among our group, I thought you should know.

I can't keep it in any longer Rii...it's really killing me. I feel like telling somebody and the best person is you. I can literally count on you all the time. You always lend a helping hand in need and a shoulder to cry on when I am in distress. You are ever caring and console people easily.

I really hope I am not making the biggest mistake of my life by uttering what I am going to say. Because I don't know if it will break you. I don't know anything anymore. I only know that what I am about to say is necessary. And I really hope that clears all the confusion you had about me in your pretty little head."

After he finished his long monologue he looked at me and smiled. It was a little sad and I became worried. Was what he was about to tell me so upsetting? So disheartening? Such a life changing sentence? Please god, don't tell me he was dying?

Silly Riya, my mind said at the last thought. How is dying related to feelings?

The cogs of my brain weren't turning now. I couldn't think, I didn't know what it could possibly be. But I knew one thing for sure. I needed to know. And whatever it was, at the end, I wouldn't allow it to change anything. Nothing could come between the friendship we had built over a year's time. Nothing.

I had realized I had become quiet and Desh had taken my silence in the wrong sense.

" Desh?" I questioned. " What is it? I am ready to hear whatever it is. And I assure you, it won't change my opinion about you."

" Riya... I am..."

It seemed like he was struggling to get the words out. When he finally did, it was like a big hit to my head. The biggest shock ever.

It was then that I questioned myself if I would still keep my promise. And somehow I knew I would.


Sorry for the cliffhanger again guys! I know you wanted to desperately know what Desh's confession was but I am cruel like that.

*laughs evilly*

But I think many of you may have a vague idea with the hints I've given throughout the story, but if you don't know what I am talking about then, sad life. Wait for the next chapter! :)

I was just so excited that I finished writing the chapter today so I decided to put it up. Hope you likes it.

So as always, vote and comment. :)

And please don't kill me. AGAIN. I only have limited lives.

Adios amigos,
:) harshini :)

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