*Chapter 7* : Lunch with Mc Dreamy ;)

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" Wheeee," I screamed, disregarding the fact that I was technically on a bike with my boss, and was in desperate need of preserving the shred of dignity I had left, following the glass slab disaster.
" This feels so gooood," I said as the cool wind, brushed past, blowing my hair all over my face.

" What feels so good?" Arya questioned. His voice was teasing, lilting and I failed to hide my blush. I was really grateful he couldn't see my face; I hid it behind his broad back, ducking my head. Arya chuckled to break the momentary silence that had settled between us.

It had been a really long time since I had been on a bike with anyone and I was thoroughly enjoying it. It was surely not because I got to feel Arya's muscles beneath his shirt. No ways. No. Who am I kidding?

" Where are we going by the way?" I asked him curiously.

" What is the point if I tell you?"

" What is that supposed to mean? Not like it's a date."

Everything became quiet all at once. None of us said anything for a few minutes. Only the rustle of tree leaves could be heard through the silence.
Way to make the situation more awkward than it already is Riya, I thought.

Just when I opened my mouth to apologise for my silly implication, Arya spoke.

" Riya."

I could see his expression through the mirror at the side of the bike. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were boring deep into mine. But his face was impassive.

" Stop thinking too much about this okay? I just wanted to take you out for lunch..does it have to have a romantic notion behind it?"

As he said that, his cheeks flushed further and I didn't fail to notice it. But I kept quiet. He was probably not ready to say what he truly felt.

"Alright, just as friends," I said and smiled. "Though it's always a delight to see you so flustered."

He huffed and let out a sigh." Yeah right..I am sure it is."

We soon reached the restaurant which was just 10 minutes away from the clinic. It was called Dosa Point and supposedly had the best dosas in Chennai.

" Table for two," Arya said to the waiter and he lead us to a set of chairs in one dimly lit corner of the restaurant.

" Alright then, so what do you want?" he asked, after giving me some time to peruse through the menu.

He told me that this was a joint he frequented since it was so close to work and hence had no need to look at the menu; he had mugged it all up.
He rested his elbows on the table and looked at me, waiting for an answer.

I shuffled through the menu once again, but as usual I wasn't good at making choices.

" Whatever you're ordering," I said with a shrug.

He smiled faintly and called the waiter.

" Two onion dosas," he replied. "And two hot badam(Almond) milks."

A/N: For those who haven't heard of it before, a Dosa is a pancake made from rice flour and ground pulses and is usually served with a spiced vegetable side dish. It is a very important dish in South Indian cuisine.

" Alright?" He turned to look at me and I nodded.

After half an hour, we were almost finished. The onion dosa had been a delight to my taste buds. It was crispy at the edges and had the right amount of softness giving it a pleasurable crunch. The badam milk had the right amount of sweetness and the badam essence hadn't been too overpowering either.

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